

Published: October 18, 2014


This presentation demonstrates a method whereby electroporation of adherent, cultured cells is used for the study of intercellular, junctional communication, while the cells grow on a slide coated with conductive and transparent indium-tin oxide.


In this technique, cells are cultured on a glass slide that is partly coated with indium-tin oxide (ITO), a transparent, electrically conductive material. A variety of molecules, such as peptides or oligonucleotides can be introduced into essentially 100% of the cells in a non-traumatic manner.  Here, we describe how it can be used to study intercellular, gap junctional communication. Lucifer yellow penetrates into the cells when an electric pulse, applied to the conductive surface on which they are growing, causes pores to form through the cell membrane. This is electroporation. Cells growing on the nonconductive glass surface immediately adjacent to the electroporated region do not take up Lucifer yellow by electroporation but do acquire the fluorescent dye as it is passed to them via gap junctions that link them to the electroporated cells. The results of the transfer of dye from cell to cell can be observed microscopically under fluorescence illumination. This technique allows for precise quantitation of gap junctional communication. In addition, it can be used for the introduction of peptides or other non-permeant molecules, and the transfer of small electroporated peptides via gap junctions to inhibit the signal in the adjacent, non-electroporated cells is a powerful demonstration of signal inhibition.



电穿孔已经大多用于引入的DNA(也称为electrotransfection)。然而,电穿孔法在原位可用于引入了大量的各种分子,如肽2-4,寡核苷酸,如反义RNA,双链DNA诱饵寡核苷酸的宝贵抑制转录因子的结合,或siRNA 3,5, 6,放射性7-10个核苷酸,蛋白质11 12或前体药物13。在电穿孔之后,将细胞可被裂解为生化分析或固定和染色的抗体。


间隙连接是连接相邻的电池14的内部通道。间隙连接,细胞间通讯在肿瘤形成和转移中起重要作用,而癌基因如Src蛋白抑制GJIC 15,16。审查GJIC荧光染料如荧光黄(LY)经常被导入培养的细胞中,通过显微注射或刮除装17和染料扩散到邻近细胞下的荧光照明显微观察。这些技术不过总是导致细胞损伤。我们现在描述那里的细胞生长在其上部分涂有ITO 18载玻片的技术。电脉冲在LY(或其它染料)的存在下施加连载ca利用其渗透到细胞上滑动的导电部分越来越大,而染料迁移到相邻的,非电穿孔的细胞通过荧光照明显微观察。为了避免干扰敏感的细胞可能离开单层分离,被设计的组件,其并不需要一个电极被放置在小区的顶部施加的电流19。这种方法提供了定量GJIC在大量细胞的能力,而没有任何可检测的干扰细胞代谢,由下列血清刺激12没有在G1期的长度的影响如所示,增加在fos基因的水平原癌基因蛋白(Raptis,未发表)或两个与细胞应激时,p38的生猪或JNK / SAPK 激酶相关激酶。这种方法成为可能的癌基因的表达,转化和GJ的水平之间的关系的检查集成电路18,以及Src和Stat3的的后GJIC在多种细胞类型中,包括细胞肺肿瘤样本20-23新鲜培养的效果。此外, 原位电穿孔与所描述的设置,其中缺乏的顶电极已被成功地使用,用于在脂肪细胞分化的间隙连接闭合的示范,虽然细胞附着到基底减小在该阶段19,24。


1,电镀的电穿孔室中的电解槽在层流罩,使用无菌技术如常trypsinize细胞。 注意:通过离心来消除胰蛋白酶的所有痕迹,因为它们可能会妨碍细胞的玻璃板上散布,粘着和间隙连接从而形成是非常重要的。 吸管将1ml细胞悬液中提供的原位电穿孔仪( 图1),并将其放置在37℃, 二氧化碳培养箱无菌电室的。 注:细胞粘附可以通过电镀于?…

Representative Results

图2显示了大鼠肝脏上皮T51B细胞22,在荧光下(图A和B),电穿孔和LY和拍照,或相差(C)的照明,以下定影和水洗。在图A中,将电穿孔的区域的边缘被标记为红色。荧光的红色线右边的梯度表示通过间隙连接的传输。在图3A和图3B中 ,间隙连接通讯的定量表示:将细胞在电穿孔的区域的边缘被确定,并用星号标记,而其中的染料转移了细胞被标记为?…





The authors have nothing to disclose.


We thank Lowell Cochran for expert videography assistance. The financial assistance of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation (CBCF, Ontario Chapter), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Alliance, the Ontario Centers of Excellence, the Breast Cancer Action Kingston and the Clare Nelson bequest fund through grants to LR is gratefully acknowledged. SG was the recipient of an NSERC studentship. MG was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the US Army Breast Cancer Program, the Ministry of Research and Innovation of the Province of Ontario and the Advisory Research Committee of Queen’s University.


Name of Material/ Equipment Company Catalog Number Comments/Description
DMEM Cellgro 50-013-PB
DMEM without Calcium Hyclone (Thermo scientific: SH30319-01
Donor Calf Serum  PAA: Cat.# B15-008
Fetal Bovine Serum PAA: Cat.# A15-751
Electroporation apparatus Cell Projects Ltd UK: ACE-100
Chambers Cell Projects Ltd UK ACE-04-CC 4-wells
Chambers Cell Projects Ltd UK ACE-08-CC 8-wells
Lucifer Yellow Cell Projects Ltd UK ACE-25-LY High purity
CelTak BD Biosciences 354240 Cell and tissue adhesive
Fibronectin Sigma Aldrich F1141
Collagen BD Biosciences 354236
Poly-Lysine Sigma Aldrich P8920


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Citar este artigo
Geletu, M., Guy, S., Firth, K., Raptis, L. A Functional Assay for Gap Junctional Examination; Electroporation of Adherent Cells on Indium-Tin Oxide. J. Vis. Exp. (92), e51710, doi:10.3791/51710 (2014).

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