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8.3: Guidelines for Writing Outcome

JoVE Core

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Guidelines for Writing Outcome

8.3: Guidelines for Writing Outcome

When developing expected outcomes for a patient care plan, the nurse should adhere to the following recommendations:

Patient outcomes reflect the patient's response to the goal rather than what the nurse aims to achieve. Terminology should be observable and measurable to avoid the reader's interpretation. The desired outcome should be realistic and achievable in the designated care timeframe. Expected outcomes should align with adjunctive therapies. The outcome should enhance care evaluation by ensuring a relationship with planned interventions. The patient should be involved with outcome planning to ensure compliance and meet aligned values.

The mnemonic REEPIG can be used to maintain standards of practice to ensure that care is of the highest standards: Realistic, Explicitly stated, Evidence-based, Prioritized, Involved, and Goal centered.


Writing Outcome Patient Care Plan Expected Outcomes Nurse Recommendations Patient Response Observable And Measurable Terminology Realistic And Achievable Outcome Adjunctive Therapies Alignment Care Evaluation Planned Interventions Relationship Patient Involvement Compliance Aligned Values REEPIG Mnemonic Practice Standards

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