

Published: August 14, 2019








最近,科学家已经开发出一种有前途的替代策略,通过工程微生物生产这些复杂的天然化合物,为黄酮类生物合成途径18,19,20,21,22,这已被成功破译在植物23。例如,Duan等人将一种生物合成途径引入萌芽的酵母糖精,以产生kaempferol(KMF)24。马拉等人通过引入黄烷3-羟基酶(f3h)、黄酮合成酶(fls1)和UDP葡萄糖:黄酮3-O-葡萄糖转移酶UGTT78K1基因,生产出一种甘基化黄酮黄酮。大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)17 .尽管有相当多的模式,但并非所有基因工程微生物都生产感兴趣的产品,因为细胞平台的复杂性,人工合成的基因元素和宿主之间的不兼容,抑制目标产品对宿主细胞的影响,以及工程细胞系统本身的不稳定性16。


最近,我们成功地开发了一种双酶合成系统,将纳林金(NRN)在一罐16中转化为KMF。在这里,我们将详细介绍此系统以及分析产品所涉及的方法。我们还提供了两个示例,使用该系统从 NRN 和曲霉素 (QRC) 从二恶极醇 (ERD) 生成 KMF。此外,我们还讨论了该方法的关键步骤以及黄酮类化合物生物合成的未来研究方向。


1. 从植物组织中分离总RNA26,27 使植物组织同质化。 收集100毫克的新鲜植物组织(例如,4周大的幼苗从阿拉伯拟南芥)。用液氮冷冻组织和虫子和砂浆,然后将组织研磨成粉末。 将1mL的RNA分离试剂(见材料表)加入砂浆中。试剂将立即冷冻。当冷冻试剂熔化时,将组织样品与虫子同质化。 将均质转移到1.5-mL管中,?…

Representative Results





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2× Pfu MasterMix Beijing CoWin Biotech Co., Ltd CW0717A PCR amplification of genes with high fidelity
Agilent 1200 Series RRLC system with an Agilent 6460 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS system Agilent Technologies, Inc N/A an equipment for analysis of flavonoids by HPLC/MS
Agilent MassHunter Workstation (version B.03.01) Agilent Technologies, Inc N/A a software for collection of the data from the Agilent 1200 Series RRLC system with an Agilent 6460 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS system
dihydrokaempferol Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC 91216 intermediate product for producing kaempferol from naringenin
dihydroquercetin Sichuan Provincial Standard Substance Center for Chinese Herbal Medicine PCS0371 intermediate product for producing quercetin from eriodictyol
DNA Clean-up Kit Beijing CoWin Biotech Co., Ltd CW2301 purification of PCR-amplified or gel-purified DNA
eriodictyol Shanghai Yuan Ye Biotechnology Co., Ltd. B21160 substrate for producing quercetin
Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) Beijing CoWin Biotech Co., Ltd CW0809 bacteria strain for expressing target genes
Escherichia coli DH5α Beijing CoWin Biotech Co., Ltd CW0808 bacteria strain for plasmid proliferation
FreeZone 1 Liter Benchtop Freeze-Dry System Labconco Corporation 7740020 an equipment for freeze-drying of flavonoids dissolved in organic solvent
Gel Extraction Kit Beijing CoWin Biotech Co., Ltd CW2302 purification of a DNA band from an agarose gel
Gel Imaging System Shanghai Tanon Science & Technology Co. Ltd. Tanon-
an equipment for visualization of DNA band on an agarose gel or flavonoid spot on a polyamide TLC plate
GenElute Plasmid Miniprep Kit Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC PLN350-1KT minipreparation of plasmids
kaempferol Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC 60010 final reaction product and standard substance
MassHunter Quanlitative Analysis (version B.01.04) Agilent Technologies, Inc N/A a software for analysis of HPLC/LC/MS data
NanoDrop Microvolume UV-Vis Spectrophotometer Thermo Fisher Scientific ND-8000-GL an equipment for determination of DNA/RNA concentration
naringenin Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC N5893 substrate for producing kaempferol
Ni-IDA Agarose Resin Beijing CoWin Biotech Co., Ltd CW0010 purification of His-tagged fusion proteins
pET-32a(+) Novagen 69015-3 plasmid for cloning and expressing target genes
plasmid sequencing GENEWIZ Suzhou N/A sequencing of recombinant plasmids
primer synthesis GENEWIZ Suzhou N/A synthesis of PCR primers
quercetin Shanghai Aladdin Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd. Q111273 final reaction product and standard substance
SuperRT cDNA Synthesis Kit Beijing CoWin Biotech Co., Ltd CW0741 synthesis of the first strand of cDNA from total RNA
T4 DNA Ligase Thermo Fisher Scientific EL0016 ligation of an insert into a linearized vector DNA
Trizol Thermo Fisher Scientific 15596018 isolation of total RNA
Vector NTI Advance Thermo Fisher Scientific 12605099 a software for PCR primer design and DNA sequence analysis
Xcalibur v2.0.7 Thermo Fisher Scientific N/A a software for analysis of HPLC data


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Cite This Article
Zhang, Z., Fan, S., Chen, Z., He, Y., Huang, M., Ding, L., Zhang, Y., Chen, L., Zhang, X. Biosynthesis of a Flavonol from a Flavanone by Establishing a One-pot Bienzymatic Cascade. J. Vis. Exp. (150), e59336, doi:10.3791/59336 (2019).

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