

Published: August 21, 2019








该协议已用于几个已发表的研究。例如,它被用来识别Dicer酶在距离茎环结构内部回路两个核苷酸的距离上切割小发夹RNA的机制,即所谓的”循环计数规则”5。我们还遵循这些方法,以识别从重组的阿德诺相关病毒载体 (rAAV) 表达的小发夹 RNA (shRNA) 的相对丰度,以识别在肝脏之前可以耐受的 shRNA 表达阈值毒性与过量shRNA表达6相关。利用这个协议,我们还确定了肝脏中的微RNA,这些微RNA对缺乏微RNA-122(一种高度表达的肝微RNA)作出反应,同时也确定了这种微RNA7的降解模式。由于我们在众多实验中一致地使用了我们的协议,因此我们能够纵向观察样品制剂,并且发现没有明显的批次效应。



动物实验得到了华盛顿大学机构动物护理和使用委员会的授权。 小型RNA库制备 1. RNA分离 使用标准RNA分离试剂或用于微RNA的试剂盒从生物源分离RNA。对于组织,最好从样品开始,用液氮冷冻样品,然后用预冷冻砂浆和虫子将样品冷冻到粉末中。 在可量化RNA并提供RNA完整性数(RIN)的仪器上测量每个样品的RNA完整性。…

Representative Results

图书馆准备中涉及的步骤图图2概述了小RNA提取、测序和对齐的总体原理图。采集了一只雄性小鼠和一只雌性小鼠的肝脏样本,并冷冻在液氮中。提取总RNA并评估质量和浓度。 小RNA测序产生足够的RNA测序从两个独立的RNA提取中提取的3μgRNA被用作小RNA测序的起始材料。样?…




The authors have nothing to disclose.




100 bp DNA ladder NEB N3231
19:1 bis-acrylamide Millipore Sigma A9926
25 bp DNA step ladder Promega G4511
Acid phenol/chloroform ThermoFisher AM9720
Acrylamide RNA loading dye ThermoFisher R0641
Ammonium persulfate (APS) Biorad 161-0700
Bioanalyzer instrument Agilent G2991AA For assessing RNA quality and concentration
Chloroform Fisher Scientific C298-500
Ethanol (100%) Sigma E7023
Gel Loading Buffer II ThermoFisher AM8547
GlycoBlue ThermoFisher AM9516 Blue color helps in visualizing pellet
HCl Sigma 320331
KOH Sigma P5958
Maxi Vertical Gel Box 20 x 20cm Genesee 45-109
miRVana microRNA isolation kit ThermoFisher AM1560
miSeq system Illumina SY-410-1003 For generating small RNA sequencing data
NaCl Fisher Scientific S271-500
Nusieve low-melting agarose Lonza 50081
Parafilm (laboratory sealing film) Millipore Sigma P7793
Poly-ethylene glycol 8000 NEB included with M0204
ProtoScript II First strand cDNA Synthesis Kit NEB E6560S
QIAquick Gel Extraction kit Qiagen 28704
Qubit Fluorometer ThermoFisher Q33226 For quantifying DNA concentration
Qubit RNA HS Assay kit ThermoFisher Q32855
Razor Blades Fisher Scientific 12640
Siliconized Low-Retention 1.5 ml tubes Fisher Scientific 02-681-331
T4 RNA ligase 1 NEB M0204
T4 RNA Ligase 2, truncated NEB M0242S
TapeStation Agilent G2939BA For assessing RNA quality and concentration
Taq DNA Polymerase NEB M0273X
TEMED Biorad 161-0800
Tris Base pH 7.5 Sigma 10708976001
Tris-buffered EDTA Sigma T9285
Trizol ThermoFisher 15596026
UltraPure Ethidium bromide (10 mg/ml) Invitrogen 15585-011
Universal miRNA cloning linker NEB S1315S
Urea Sigma U5378


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Course, M. M., Gudsnuk, K., Valdmanis, P. N. A Complete Pipeline for Isolating and Sequencing MicroRNAs, and Analyzing Them Using Open Source Tools. J. Vis. Exp. (150), e59901, doi:10.3791/59901 (2019).

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