

Published: December 10, 2020











该研究已获得汉堡市动物护理和使用政府委员会的批准(参考编号:60/17)。根据”实验动物的护理和使用指南”(NIH出版物第86-23号,2011年修订)以及FELASA建议和实验根据ARRIVE指南24,25进行护理。这项研究是一项急性试验,所有动物在方案结束时都接受了安乐死。 注:该研究是在六头体重约40公斤的三个月大的雄猪和雌猪(德国地?…

Representative Results

所有六只动物都存活了下来,直到协议完成。动物体重为48.2±2.9公斤;五只动物是雄性的,一只动物是雌性。脊髓针探针插入以及脊髓通量测量在所有动物中都是可行的。 在主动脉交叉钳夹期间以及解疹和再灌注期间,实时脊髓微循环记录与脑微循环和大血流动力学记录相结合的示例如图3A,<strong class="xf…


脊髓缺血诱发的SCI是主动脉修复的主要并发症,对患者的预后有巨大影响1,2,3,4,10,11,12。预防和治疗 SCI 的微循环靶向疗法是最有希望的。该协议为实时脊髓微循环评估提供了一种可重复的方法,并提供了评估缺血/…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


作者要感谢汉诺威医学院动物研究所的Lena Brix,V.M.D,以及德国汉堡 – 埃彭多夫大学医学中心动物护理研究设施Jutta Dammann女士提供术前和围手术期动物护理以及他们在动物处理方面的技术援助。作者还要感谢卢森堡基希贝格医院血管外科的Daniel Manzoni博士的技术援助。


CardioMed Flowmeter Medistim AS, Oslo, Norway CM4000 Flowmeter for Flow-Probe Femoral Artery
CardioMed Flow-Probe, 5mm Medistim AS, Oslo, Norway PS100051 Flow-Probe Femoral Artery
COnfidence probe,  Transonic Systems Inc., Ithaca, NY, USA MA16PAU Flow-Probe Aorta
16 mm liners
DIVA Sevoflurane Vapor Dräger Medical, Lübeck, Germany Vapor
Hotline Level 1 Fluid Warmer Smiths Medical Germany GmbH, Grasbrunn, Germany HL-90-DE-230 Fluid Warmer
Infinity Delta Dräger Medical, Lübeck, Germany Basic Monitoring Hardware
Infinity Hemo Dräger Medical, Lübeck, Germany Basic Pressure Monitoring and Pulmonary Thermodilution Hardware
LabChart Pro ADInstruments Ltd., Oxford, UK v8.1.16 Synchronic Laser-Doppler, Blood Pressure, ECG and Blood-Flow Aquisition Software
LiquoGuard 7 Möller Medical GmbH, Fulda, Germany Cerebrospinal Fluid Drainage System
Millar Micro-Tip Pressure Catheter (5F, Single, Curved, 120cm, PU/WD) ADInstruments Ltd., Oxford, UK SPR-350 Pressure-Tip Catheter Aorta
moor VMS LDF moor Instruments, Devon, UK Designated Laser-Doppler Hardware
moor VMS Research Software moor Instruments, Devon, UK Designated Laser-Doppler Software
Perivascular Flow Module Transonic Systems Inc., Ithaca, NY, USA TS 420 Flow-Module for Flow-Probe Aorta
PiCCO 2, Science Version Getinge AB, Göteborg, Sweden v. 6.0 Blood Pressure and Transcardiopulmonary Monitoring Hard- and Software
PiCCO 5 Fr. 20cm Getinge AB, Göteborg, Sweden Thermistor-tipped Arterial Line 
PowerLab ADInstruments Ltd., Oxford, UK PL 3516 Synchronic Laser-Doppler, Blood Pressure, ECG and Blood-Flow Aquisition Hardware
QuadBridgeAmp ADInstruments Ltd., Oxford, UK FE 224 Four Channel Bridge Amplifier for Laser-Doppler and Invasive Blood Pressure Aquisition
Silverline Spiegelberg, Hamburg, Germany ELD33.010.02 Cerebrospinal Fluid Drainage
SPSS statistical software package  IBM SPSS Statistics Inc., Armonk, New York, USA v. 27 Statistical Software
Twinwarm Warming System Moeck & Moeck GmbH, Hamburg, Germany 12TW921DE Warming System
Universal II Warming Blanket Moeck & Moeck GmbH, Hamburg, Germany 906 Warming Blanket
VP 3 Probe, 8mm length (individually manufactured) moor Instruments, Devon, UK Laser-Doppler Probe
Zeus Dräger Medical, Lübeck, Germany Anesthesia Machine


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Behem, C. R., Friedheim, T., Wipper, S. H., Pinnschmidt, H. O., Graessler, M. F., Gaeth, C., Holthusen, H., Rapp, A., Suntrop, T., Haunschild, J., Etz, C. D., Trepte, C. J. C. Real-Time Assessment of Spinal Cord Microperfusion in a Porcine Model of Ischemia/Reperfusion. J. Vis. Exp. (166), e62047, doi:10.3791/62047 (2020).

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