

Published: August 31, 2022




随着测序技术的广泛应用,在包括蚊子在内的节肢动物中发现了许多新型病毒样序列。这些新的蚊媒病毒的两个主要类别是“蚊媒病毒(MBV)”和“蚊媒病毒(MSV)”。这些新型病毒可能对脊椎动物和蚊子都有致病性,或者它们可能只是与蚊子共生。实体病毒对于确认这些病毒的生物学特征至关重要。因此,这里描述了从现场收集的蚊子中分离和扩增病毒的详细方案。首先,制备蚊子样品作为蚊子匀浆的上清液。离心两次后,将上清液接种到蚊子细胞系C6/36或脊椎动物细胞系BHK-21中进行病毒扩增。7天后,收集上清液作为P1上清液并储存在-80°C。 接下来,P1上清液在C6 / 36或BHK-21细胞中再传代两次,同时每天检查细胞状态。当发现细胞的细胞致病作用(CPE)时,收集这些上清液并用于鉴定病毒。该协议是未来研究蚊子相关病毒(包括MBV和MSV)的基础。






1. 蚊虫采样和分类 通过现场的轻型捕蚊器MXA-02或二氧化碳捕蚊器诱捕成年蚊子。 通过浸入液氮10,11杀死收集的蚊子。通过冷链物流系统将它们运送到实验室12.注意:干冰主要用于冷链物流系统。 (可选)如果样品地点靠近实验室,则直接将网捕器中的活蚊子送到实验室,并通过在≤-20°C冷冻30<s…

Representative Results

用蚊子匀浆(P0)的上清液接种后,C6 / 36细胞表现出广泛的细胞间空间,并且在120小时(图1A)与未接种的细胞(对照)相比观察到脱落的细胞(图1B)同时(图1B)。将BHK-21细胞与P3上清液孵育后,与对照细胞(图1D)相比,在48小时(图1C)在BHK-21细胞中观察到可见的CPE。进行PCR以确定病毒种类。用于检测?…


该方法的目的是提供一种使用各种细胞系分离蚊子相关病毒的实用方法。将抗生素 – 抗真菌剂(青霉素 – 链霉素 – 两性霉素)添加到蚊子匀浆的上清液中以避免被细菌或真菌污染至关重要。在田间获得的蚊子和病毒上清液必须在-80°C下冷藏,以避免反复冻融循环。



The authors have nothing to disclose.




0.22 µm membrane filter Millipore SLGP033RB Polymer films with specific pore ratings.To remove cell debris and bacteria.
24-well plates CORNING 3524 Containers for cell
75 cm2 flasks CORNING 430641 Containers for cell
a sterile 2 mL tube with 3 mm ceramic beads
Antibiotic-Antimycotic Gibco 15240-062 Antibiotic in the medium to prevent contamination from bacteria and fungi
Automated nucleic acid extraction system NanoMagBio S-48
BHK-21 cells National Virus Resource Center, Wuhan Institute of Virology
C6/36 cells National Virus Resource Center, Wuhan Institute of Virology
Centrifugal machine Himac CF16RN Instrument for centrifugation of mosquito samples
Dulbecco’s minimal essential medium (DMEM) Gibco C11995500BT medium for vertebrate cell lines
Ebinur Lake virus Cu20-XJ isolation
Feta Bovine Serum (FBS) Gibco 10099141C

Provide nutrition for cells
high-speed low-temperature tissue homogenizer servicebio KZ-III-F Instrument for grinding
incubator (28 °C) Panasonic MCO-18AC Instrument for cell culture
incubator (37 °C) Panasonic MCO-18AC Instrument for cell culture
PCR tube
penicillin-streptomycin Gibco 15410-122 Antibiotic in the medium to prevent contamination from bacteria
Penicillin-Streptomycin-Amphotericin B Solution Gibco 15240096
Refrigerator (-80 °C) sanyo MDF-U54V
Roswell Park Memorial Institute  medium (RPMI) Gibco C11875500BT medium for mosiquto cell lines
Screw cap storage tubes (2 mL) biofil  FCT010005
sterile pestles Tiangen OSE-Y004 Consumables  for grinding
TGrinder OSE-Y30 electric tissue grinder Tiangen OSE-Y30 Instrument for grinding
The dissecting microscope ZEISS stemi508
the light traps MXA-02 Maxttrac
The mosquito absorbing machine Ningbo Bangning
The pipette tips Axygen TF
The QIAamp viral RNA mini kit QIAGEN 52906
Tweezers Dumont 0203-5-PO


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Cite This Article
Huang, D., Ma, H., Zhao, L., Wang, X., Huang, Y., Wang, F., Yuan, Z., Xia, H. Mosquito-Associated Virus Isolation from Field-Collected Mosquitoes. J. Vis. Exp. (186), e63852, doi:10.3791/63852 (2022).

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