

Published: March 26, 2015


Animal models are important tools for the evaluation of tissue-engineered grafts. This paper presents the protocol for preparing an electrospun biodegradable polymer graft for use in anterior cruciate ligament tissue engineering, as well as a surgical protocol for implantation in a rat model.


Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture is a common ligamentous injury that often requires surgery because the ACL does not heal well without intervention. Current treatment strategies include ligament reconstruction with either autograft or allograft, which each have their associated limitations. Thus, there is interest in designing a tissue-engineered graft for use in ACL reconstruction. We describe the fabrication of an electrospun polymer graft for use in ACL tissue engineering. This polycaprolactone graft is biocompatible, biodegradable, porous, and is comprised of aligned fibers. Because an animal model is necessary to evaluate such a graft, this paper describes an intra-articular athymic rat model of ACL reconstruction that can be used to evaluate engineered grafts, including those seeded with xenogeneic cells. Representative histology and biomechanical testing results at 16 weeks postoperatively are presented, with grafts tested immediately post-implantation and contralateral native ACLs serving as controls. The present study provides a reproducible animal model with which to evaluate tissue engineered ACL grafts, and demonstrates the potential of a regenerative medicine approach to treatment of ACL rupture.


前十字韧带(ACL)的破裂是膝关节1的最常见的韧带损伤之一。由于破裂ACL的无法无手术干预治疗,在日常生活和参与体育活动的局限性开车超过175000例患者,每年2到接受手术,以每年十亿美元3估计成本。目前,无论是自体或异体肌腱用于韧带重建。尽管较高的成功率可以与自体移植和更换均可以实现,严重的并发症与这些重建方案4有关。自体移植的组织与供区的发病率相关联,并且在供水有限的,特别是在重新破裂或多韧带损伤的实例。另一方面,同种异体移植组织被延迟接枝集成,不利的炎症反应,理论上的传染疾病的风险,和有限的增刊联LY 5。合成的非降解的移植开发了20世纪70年代和80年代,但过早嫁接破裂,异物反应,骨溶解和滑膜炎6受阻。由于这些严重的问题的结果,目前有可用的在美国的临床使用中没有合成移植物。



当前FDA监管标准,疗效和安全性在小型和大型动物模型将需要一个PCL或任何其他工程ACL移植迁入在美国的临床试验。另外, 在体内条件往往能增加在体外组织工程的ACL移植物的性质。自体韧带重建的大鼠模型的屈digitor微米长肌腱先前已经描述的,在其中天然的ACL被切断,股骨和胫骨隧道钻,和接枝物通过并固定就位用缝合17-22。在本文中,我们将描述这个模型的变形对工程化的ACL替换的评价,而不是用于自体移植的基于重建( 图2)。



注:所有动物手术均经当地兽医人员和动物使用前开始试验委员会。 1.准备静电纺丝聚己内酯的支架在颗粒形式称重并溶解医用级酯封端的聚(ε – 己内酯)在1,1,1,3,3,3-六氟-2-丙醇以创建10%w / w的在PCL聚合物的溶液。让使用搅拌盘为至少3小时,以确保均匀的溶液的溶液搅拌。 静电纺丝的PCL解决方案来创建高度一致PCL纤维支架制造的袖口。 制备在化学通?…

Representative Results



ACL损伤是一种常见的疾病在骨科运动手术,与在目前有限的选择重建。为了制定合适的组织工程替代,将允许再生体内 ACL中,需要一个合适的动物模型。在这项研究中,可生物降解的工程化移植物的制造中被描述,因为这是它在体内使用ACL重建的一个可重复模型中的无胸腺大鼠注入。该模型可以用于评估各种生物材料,包括细胞移植物和那些与PJ内置的生长因子组成的不同组织工程…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


笔者想感谢加布里埃尔芳香化酶和迈克尔Yeranosian其早期这个项目的迭代技术贡献。该项目资金由临床医生OREF科学家培训格兰特(NL),HH李外科研究基金(NL),退伍军人管理局BLR&D优异回顾1 I01 BX00012601(DM)和肌肉骨骼移植基金会青年科学家奖(FP)。


Name of Material/ Equipment Company Catalog Number Comments/Description
Medical grade ester terminated poly (ε-caprolactone), granule form (MW = 110,000) Lactel Absorbable Polymers Custom synthesized polymer to desired molecular weight
1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol Sigma-Aldrich 105228 Solvent for PCL polymer
18G x 1 1/2"bevel needle BD Medical 305196
Remote Infuse/Withdraw Programmable Syringe Pump Harvard Apparatus 702101
VersaLaser VLS2.30 Laser Engraver Microgeo USA VLS2.30
Expanded Plasma Cleaner 115V Harrick Plasma PDC-001 Plasma etch just prior to collagen coating for surface modification
PureCol  Collagen Standard Solution, 3 mg/ml Advanced Biomatrix 5015-A Mix 8:1:2.5 solution of PureCol, 10x PBS, 0.1N NaOH 1:9 in 1x PBS
Suture, 5-0 Vicryl Henry Schein 1086471
Suture, 4-0 Vicryl Henry Schein 6540072
Sharp-pointed Dissecting Scissors (Straight; 4.5 inch) Fisher Scientific 8940
Buphrenorphine hydrochloride Sigma-Aldrich B9275 Use 0.03 mg/kg for both intra- and post-operatively for pain control
Ampicillin, injectable Henry Schein 1185678 Use 25 mg/kg subcutaneously during the procedure
K-wire, 1.6 mm Spectrum Surgical SI040062
Keith Needle, Straight 1 1/2" Delasco Dermatology Lab & Supply KE-112
Immunocal Decalcifying Solution Fisher Scientific NC9491030
Opticryl Acrylic Resin Bone Cement (PMMA) (Monomer and polymer) US Dental Depot OPTICRYL 100410 
Instron Model 5564 Tensile Testing Machine Instron 5564 Any comparable tensile testing apparatus is suitable


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Citar este artigo
Leong, N. L., Kabir, N., Arshi, A., Nazemi, A., Wu, B. M., McAllister, D. R., Petrigliano, F. A. Athymic Rat Model for Evaluation of Engineered Anterior Cruciate Ligament Grafts. J. Vis. Exp. (97), e52797, doi:10.3791/52797 (2015).

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