

Published: January 12, 2015






斑马鱼( 斑马鱼 )被广泛用于发育生物学研究器官体内 ,由于其快速的,透明的和宫外胚胎发育,结合小尺寸和转基因记者线荧光蛋白的组织特异性表达的可用性。这个小脊椎动物特别适于研究心脏发育,因为早期的斑马鱼胚胎的氧合不依赖于心脏的跳动及血液流动;这些特点使大量心血管突变1,2的表征和斑马鱼现在是一个被广泛认可的模式生物来研究心脏疾病3。

到胚胎发育过程中研究基因表达,转录通常通过整个安装原位杂交(WISH)4分析,RT-qPCR的5,微阵列6,或下一代测序(RNA测序)7。而WISH允许基因表达的整个胚胎内的空间 – 时间分析,转录水平通过RT-qPCR的,微阵列或RNA测序方法,通常进行评估。然而,这些方法需要组织富集为特定的基因表达图谱。



该协议遵循了德国和柏林国家法律的动物护理准则;斑马鱼的处理是由动物保护(LaGeSo,柏林 – 勃兰登堡)地方当局监控。 1.获取斑马鱼胚胎的心脏提取横心脏记者斑马鱼,例如作为Tg(MYL7:EGFP)转基因twu34线9,以便获得胚胎心脏特异性GFP表达。 保持水蛋胚胎在28.5°C,直到所需的萌芽阶段10,11。确保所收集的胚胎人口是同?…

Representative Results

在这里,我们描述了使用斑马鱼的Tg(MYL7:GFP)的有代表性的心脏解剖实验专在心肌(图1)的转基因twu34线9,它表达绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)。我们收集了两个解剖心,从他们得出评估心脏样品的纯度胚胎。简言之,将纯合的Tg(MYL7:GFP)twu34斑马鱼9进行异型杂交用野生型,使得所有的胚胎心脏的GFP标记。大约500胚胎(56 HPF)转移到1.5毫升管(约1…




The authors have nothing to disclose.


We would like to thank C. Burns, C. McRae for outlining the basic principle of this purification protocol, and F. Priller for initial implementation of this method in our lab. S.A.-S. is supported by a Heisenberg professorship of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). This work was supported by DFG grant SE2016/7-1.


Equipment for raising fish and collecting eggs  see the Zebrafish Book11 for details
Fluorescence stereomicroscope
Refrigerated Microcentrifuge
UV-Spectrophotometer eg. Thermo Scientific Nanodrop 2000
Nucleic acid electrophoresis chamber
Petri dishes 4cm Ø, coated with 1% agarose in E3 medium
Micropipettes and tips (P20, P100, P1000)
1,5ml centrifugation tubes
15ml and 50ml centrifugation tubes
Pair of Dumont #5 forceps
ExactaCruz™ Round Gel Loading Tips in Sterile Rack, 1-200μl  Santa Cruz sc-201732
100 μm filter (BD Falcon 100 mm Cell Strainer) BD Biosciences 352360
30 μm filter (Pre-Separation Filters-30 µm) Miltenyi Biotec 130-041-407
Phase lock gel, heavy, 1,5ml tubes  Prime 2302810
Egg water medium 60μg/ml Instant Ocean Sea Salts in ddH2O, 0.00001% (w/v) Methylene Blue
E3 medium  5 mM NaCl, 0.17 mM KCl, 0.33 mM CaCl2, 0.33 mM MgSO4
Tricaine (3-amino benzoic acidethylester) Sigma-Aldrich A-5040 4mg/ml Tricaine stock solution, pH 7
1% agarose (in E3 medium)
1% agarose gel (in TBE buffer)
Leibovitz´s L-15 medium  Gibco 21083-027
FBS (Fetal Bovine Serum) Sigma F4135
RNAlater Ambion AM7020
Trizol Ambion 1559606
Glycogen  Invitrogen 10814-010 20 µg/µL in RNase-free water
75% ethanol (in DEPC-ddH2O)
Nuclease-free water or sterilized DEPC treated ddH2O
Nucleic acid loading buffer
TBE (Tris/Borate/EDTA) buffer for electrophoresis


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Lombardo, V. A., Otten, C., Abdelilah-Seyfried, S. Large-scale Zebrafish Embryonic Heart Dissection for Transcriptional Analysis. J. Vis. Exp. (95), e52087, doi:10.3791/52087 (2015).

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