

Published: February 27, 2021











1. 磁性ナノ粒子の合成 コア合成 – マイクロ波アシスト 400mgの鉄(III)アセチルアセトネートを溶解する(>99.9%)ベンジルアルコール10mL(BA、99.8%)30 mLモノウェーブガラスバイアル内。 サスペンションの温度を20分間(11.25°C/minの速度で)25〜250°Cに上げ、マイクロ波反応器を使用して30分間250°Cで維持します。 得られたナノ粒子をベンジルアルコールに懸濁してガラスバ?…

Representative Results





The authors have nothing to disclose.




0.05% Trypsin-EDTA (1x) Life Technologies 25300-054
Benzyl alcohol for synthesis Sigma Aldrich 8.22259
Dexamethasone Sigma D4902 Prepare a 1 mM stock solution diluted in Ethanol 100% and store at -20°C
Dichloromethane ≥99% stabilised, GPR RECTAPUR VWR Chemicals 23367
DMEM with Glutamax I Life Technologies 31966-021 No sodium pyruvate, no HEPES
Ethanol absolute VWR 20821.310
Fetal Bovine Serum Life Technologies 10270-106
Formalin solution 10% neutral buffered Sigma HT5012
Hydrochloric acid, 1.0N Standardized Solution Alfa Aesar 35640
Iron(III) acetylacetonate (> 99.9%) Sigma Aldrich 517003
ITS Premix Universal Culture Supplement (20x) Corning 354352
L-Ascorbic Acid 2-phosphate Sigma A8960 Prepare a fresh concentrated solution (25 mM) diluted in distilled water
L-Proline Sigma P5607 Prepare a 175 mM stock solution diluted in distilled water and store at 4°C
Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) Lonza PT-2501
Monowave glass vial Anton Paar 82723_us
Microwave reactor Anton Paar Monowave 300
MSCGM BulletKit medium Lonza PT-3001 For the complete medium, add the provided BulletKit (containing serum, glutamine and antibiotics) to the MSCGM medium
PBS w/o CaCl2 w/o MgCl2 Life Technologies 14190-094
Penicillin (10.000U/mL)/Streptomicin (10.000µg/mL) Life Technologies 15140-122
Poly(acrylic acid, sodium salt) Sigma Aldrich 416010 MW = 1200 g/mol
RPMI medium 1640, no Glutamine Life Technologies 31870-025 No sodium pyruvate, no HEPES
Sodium hydroxide, 1.0N Standardized Solution Alfa Aesar 35629
Sodium pyruvate solution 100mM Sigma S8636
Sterile conical centrifuge tube Falcon 352097 15 mL tubes
Trypsin-EDTA (0.05%), phenol red Thermo Fisher Scientific 25300054
Tri-sodium citrate VWR 33615.268 Prepare a 1 M stock solution diluted in distilled water and store at 4°C
Tri-Sodium Citrate Dihydrate, Certified AR for Analysis Sigma Aldrich 10396430
Ultra centrifugal filter Amicon AC S510024


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Cite This Article
Van de Walle, A., Plan Sangnier, A., Fromain, A., Wilhelm, C., Lalatonne, Y. Using Magnetometry to Monitor Cellular Incorporation and Subsequent Biodegradation of Chemically Synthetized Iron Oxide Nanoparticles. J. Vis. Exp. (168), e61106, doi:10.3791/61106 (2021).

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