

Published: August 02, 2014


We report a procedure to isolate RNA with high integrity from the ribonuclease rich mouse pancreas.


Isolation of high-quality RNA from ribonuclease-rich tissue such as mouse pancreas presents a challenge. As a primary function of the pancreas is to aid in digestion, mouse pancreas may contain as much a 75 mg of ribonuclease. We report modifications of standard phenol/guanidine thiocyanate lysis reagent protocols to isolate RNA from mouse pancreas. Guanidine thiocyanate is a strong protein denaturant and will effectively disrupt the activity of ribonuclease under most conditions. However, critical modifications to standard protocols are necessary to successfully isolate RNA from ribonuclease-rich tissues. Key steps include a high lysis reagent to tissue ratio, removal of undigested tissue prior to phase separation and inclusion of a ribonuclease inhibitor to the RNA solution. Using these and other modifications, we routinely isolate RNA with RNA Integrity Number (RIN) greater than 7. The isolated RNA is of suitable quality for routine gene expression analysis. Adaptation of this protocol to isolate RNA from ribonuclease rich tissues besides the pancreas should be readily achievable.


需要常规的分子生物学实验,如Northern印迹9,定量RT-PCR检测1或基因表达谱5与诚信度高的RNA分离。大多数现代的RNA分离方法,是根据对硫氰酸胍协议2,修改3。硫氰酸胍是一种强的蛋白质变性剂,并有效地破坏大多数条件下核糖核酸酶的活性。 Chomczynski和Sacchi 3的流行的方法结合到苯酚的硫氰酸胍裂解溶液,减少了隔离时间约4小时。许多市售的RNA提取试剂基于Chomczynski和Sacchi方法3。




1。准备以下做法坚持以该机构的动物护理和使用委员会(IACUC)设置的策略。 建议在隔离不超过6小鼠胰腺中任何一天。让所有的手术器械清洁和灭菌,每只动物一组。 标记所有离心管。 4个2 ml离心管每只动物。 放置8毫升裂解试剂在冰上的50ml离心管中。注意:当纯化试剂盒自带的硫氰酸胍酚试剂,适合于胰腺分离,裂解试剂使用,因为大量是每个隔离?…

Representative Results

从1毫升裂解匀浆的总RNA得率是20〜40微克。外径260/280的比例通常约为2.0和RIN比7.0更加一致。如果RIN是≤6,隔离将需要被重复。有时,RIN,比8.0更高的实现。 去除之前的胰腺实施安乐死的小鼠的两种最常用的方法是CO 2窒息或吸入异氟醚。后跟颈椎脱位两种技术。因为它是可能的化学剂和/或程序时,可能会影响RNA的完整性,用这两种方法进行了比较分离小鼠胰腺核糖核…



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The authors have nothing to disclose.


我们感谢建华岭,雷蒙德·麦克唐纳,高尔文斯威夫特,米歇尔·格里芬,保罗格里波和Satyanarayana Rachagani了他们的宝贵意见,建议和分享他们的协议。这项工作是由授出U01CA111294从俄亥俄州立大学院内研究计划的理念发展奖的支持。


Name of Reagent/ Equipment Company Catalog Number Comments/Description
Power Gen 500  Fisher Scientific 14-261-03  Homogenizer
5424R Eppendorf Refrigerated microcentifuge
Trizol reagent Invitrogen 15596018 Lysis reagent
Student Vannas spring scissors Fisher 91500-09  use to cut pancreas from attached tissues
Surgical scissors, 6 inch Fisher 08-951-20 use to cut scin of mouse
Blunt end forceps Fisher 1381239 use to hold pancreas while dissecting
Isoflurane USP Abbott Labs 4/8/5210 Anesthetic
Rnase out (40 U/µl) Invitrogen 10777-019 Rnase inhbitor
Rnase Away Ambion 10328-011 General Rnase inactivator
HPLC grade water Fisher W5-4 For washing homogenizer blades
Molecular Biology grade water Hyclone SH30538.03 Elution of RNA
miRNeasy Mini kit Qiagen 217004 Purification Kit
2 ml microcentrifuge tubes, certified Rnase Dnase free USA Scientific Plastics 1620-2700
15 ml centrifuge tubes Falcon 352099
70% ethanol Fisher
100% ethanol Fisher
200 ul pipet tips Rainin GPL200F For cleaning homogenizer blades
Chloroform Fisher BP1145-1
Nanodrop Thermo ND-1000 Spectrophotometer
Bioanalyzer Agilent Capillary electrophoresis analyzer to measue RNA integrity
RNAlater Ambion RNA Stabilization Reagent 
RNeasy spin columns  Qiagen  spin columns as a part of the miRNeasy Mini kit
Mice Chales River strain C57BL/6 Their age ranged from 4 to 12 months.  
Mice  Jackson Lab strain 129 Their age ranged from 4 to 12 months.  


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Diesen Artikel zitieren
Azevedo-Pouly, A. C. P., Elgamal, O. A., Schmittgen, T. D. RNA Isolation from Mouse Pancreas: A Ribonuclease-rich Tissue. J. Vis. Exp. (90), e51779, doi:10.3791/51779 (2014).

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