

Published: February 18, 2017


Regular characterization of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), to ascertain maintenance of their pluripotent state, is an important step before these cells are used for other applications. Here we describe a method for the small-scale propagation of human iPSCs specifically designed to enable their easy and routine characterization via immunocytochemistry.


There is great interest in utilizing human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) for disease modeling and cell therapeutics due to their patient specificity and characteristic stemness. However, the pluripotency of iPSCs, which is essential to their functionality, must be confirmed before these cells can be used in such applications. While a rigorous characterization of iPSCs, through different cellular and functional assays is necessary to establish their pluripotency, routine assessment of pluripotency maintenance can be achieved more simply and effectively through immunocytochemical techniques. Here, we present a systematic protocol for culturing hiPSCs, in a scaled-down manner, to particularly facilitate the verification of their pluripotent state using immunocytochemistry. More specifically, this methodology encompasses an efficient and cost-effective means of growing iPSCs in serum-free conditions and plating them on small chamber slides or glass coverslips ideal for immunocytochemistry.







人iPS细胞是从从4毫米皮肤钻取活组织检查分离并通过仙台病毒介导的重编程11在内部重新编程的人真皮成纤维细胞衍生的。亚利桑那州的机构审查委员会的批准大学为对象招募和活检集合中的所有程序。 1. IPSC的文化细胞外基质表面涂层的制备 hiPSC文化上的iMEFs日益合流前一天,准备外基质(基质胶)涂层板。 缓慢解冻的细胞外基质的?…

Representative Results

这个协议提供的iPSCs的人类如何可以从饲养层转移至无饲养条件下,并随后传播以有限的方式来具体实现,用于确认多能性维持成本效益的免疫细胞化学的逐步描述。 图1显示了该协议的示意图。 图2A示出hiPSC菌落在6孔板的iMEFs生长。这些殖民地表现出有确定的边界和密相明亮的中心典型形态。 如图2B所示,在12孔板的iPSC移交后馈线-自…





The authors have nothing to disclose.


Funding Sources: The University of Arizona, The Jim Himelic Foundation, and the Arizona Center for the Biology of Complex Diseases.


DMEM-F12/HEPES Life Technologies 11330032
Knockout Serum Replacement Life Technologies 10828028
L-Glutamine Life Technologies 25030081
MEM-NEAA Life Technologies 11140050
2-mercaptoethanol Life Technologies 21985023
Recombinant Human FGF-Basic Cell Sciences CRF001B
Y-27632 ROCK Inhibitor R&D 1254
Collagenase Type IV Life Technologies 17104019
Matrigel hESC-qualified Matrix Corning 354277
mTeSR1 Basal Medium StemCell Technologies 05850
mTeSR1 5X Supplement StemCell Technologies 05850
Gentle Cell Dissociation Buffer StemCell Technologies 07174
0.1M PO4 Buffer In-House n/a
Paraformaldeyde, prill Electron Microscopy Sciences 19202
1X Phoshate Buffered Saline n/a n/a
Normal Goat Serum Life Technologies 16210072
Bovine Serum Albumin Sigma-Aldrich A2153
Triton-X-100 Sigma-Aldrich X100
Oct-4A (C30A3) Rabbit mAb,
Sox2 (D6D9) Rabbit mAb,
SSEA4 (MC813) Mouse mAb,
TRA-1-60(S) (TRA-1-60(S)) Mouse mAb
Cell Signaling
Cell Signaling
Cell Signaling
Cell Signaling
Alternatively, a combination of 6 pluripotency primary antibodies can be purchased together as a kit in Catalog #9656
Goat anti-Ms IgM Alexa Fluor 488 Life Technologies A21042
Goat anti-Ms IgG3 Alexa Fluor 488 Life Technologies A21151
Goat anti-Rb IgG Alexa Fluor 594 Life Technologies A11037
Multiwell Cell Culture Plates Fisher Scientific  0720080/0720081 Available in 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 well sizes
Chamber Slides Fisher Scientific  12 565 21 Available in Glass or Permanox Plastic in 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 well sizes
Coverglass for growth Fisher Scientific  12 545 82 Available in 12, 15, 18, 22 and 25mm sizes


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Citer Cet Article
Corenblum, M. J., Madhavan, L. Small-scale Propagation of Human iPSCs in Serum-free Conditions for Routine Immunocytochemical Characterization. J. Vis. Exp. (120), e55260, doi:10.3791/55260 (2017).

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