
ट्यूमर सेल आक्रमण पर बीचवाला द्रव प्रवाह के प्रभाव को मापने के लिए तीन आयामी सेल संस्कृति मॉडल

Published: July 25, 2012


मध्य द्रव का प्रवाह ठोस ट्यूमर में ऊपर उठाया है और ट्यूमर सेल आक्रमण मिलाना कर सकते हैं. यहाँ हम एक मध्य द्रव का प्रवाह एक मैट्रिक्स में एम्बेडेड कोशिकाओं को लागू करते हैं और फिर सेल आक्रमण पर इसके प्रभाव को मापने की तकनीक का वर्णन करता है. इस तकनीक को आसानी से अन्य प्रणालियों का अध्ययन करने के लिए अनुकूलित कर सकते हैं.


The growth and progression of most solid tumors depend on the initial transformation of the cancer cells and their response to stroma-associated signaling in the tumor microenvironment 1. Previously, research on the tumor microenvironment has focused primarily on tumor-stromal interactions 1-2. However, the tumor microenvironment also includes a variety of biophysical forces, whose effects remain poorly understood. These forces are biomechanical consequences of tumor growth that lead to changes in gene expression, cell division, differentiation and invasion3. Matrix density 4, stiffness 5-6, and structure 6-7, interstitial fluid pressure 8, and interstitial fluid flow 8 are all altered during cancer progression.

Interstitial fluid flow in particular is higher in tumors compared to normal tissues 8-10. The estimated interstitial fluid flow velocities were measured and found to be in the range of 0.1-3 μm s-1, depending on tumor size and differentiation 9, 11. This is due to elevated interstitial fluid pressure caused by tumor-induced angiogenesis and increased vascular permeability 12. Interstitial fluid flow has been shown to increase invasion of cancer cells 13-14, vascular fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells 15. This invasion may be due to autologous chemotactic gradients created around cells in 3-D 16 or increased matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expression 15, chemokine secretion and cell adhesion molecule expression 17. However, the mechanism by which cells sense fluid flow is not well understood. In addition to altering tumor cell behavior, interstitial fluid flow modulates the activity of other cells in the tumor microenvironment. It is associated with (a) driving differentiation of fibroblasts into tumor-promoting myofibroblasts 18, (b) transporting of antigens and other soluble factors to lymph nodes 19, and (c) modulating lymphatic endothelial cell morphogenesis 20.

The technique presented here imposes interstitial fluid flow on cells in vitro and quantifies its effects on invasion (Figure 1). This method has been published in multiple studies to measure the effects of fluid flow on stromal and cancer cell invasion 13-15, 17. By changing the matrix composition, cell type, and cell concentration, this method can be applied to other diseases and physiological systems to study the effects of interstitial flow on cellular processes such as invasion, differentiation, proliferation, and gene expression.


1. सेट – अप परख 4 डिग्री सेल्सियस (लगभग 2 घंटा) में बर्फ पर Matrigel का एक छोटा सा अशेष भाजक (<500 μl) पिघलना. जेल (उदाहरण संस्करणों तालिका में नीचे देखें) नुस्खा तैयार: 10x (1x कुल मात्रा में) Pbs, 1N सोडियम हीड्राकसीड (ज…


यहाँ हम ट्यूमर सेल आक्रमण पर बीचवाला प्रवाह के प्रभाव को बढ़ाता है, एक सेल संस्कृति डालने के भीतर एक 3 डी मैट्रिक्स में एम्बेडेड कोशिकाओं का उपयोग करने के लिए एक पद्धति का वर्णन किया है. यह और इसी तरह के त…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Name of the reagent Company Catalogue number Comments
Collagen (Rat Tail) BD 354236 Keep sterile
Millicell cell culture insert Millipore PI8P01250 8 μm pore diameter, polycarbonate membrane
Matrigel BD 354234 Keep sterile
PBS Sigma Aldrich 100M-8202 10x for preparing gel solution, 1x for washing steps
Sodium Hydroxide, 1.0N Solution Sigma Aldrich S2770 Keep sterile
DMEM 1X CellGro 10-013-CV Keep sterile
Fetal Bovine Serum Atlanta Biologicals 511150 Keep sterile
Penicillin Streptomycin CellGro 30002CI Keep sterile
Triton X-100 Sigma Aldrich X100-500 ml 0.5% in PBS
Paraformaldehyde Fisher Scientific 04042-500 4% in PBS
Deionized Water     Keep sterile
4′,6-diaminido-2-phenylindole (DAPI) MP Biomedicals 0215757401 1 mg/ml stock solution
Mounting Solution Thermo Scientific TA-030-FM  
Trypsin-EDTA CellGro 25-052-CI Keep sterile


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Tchafa, A. M., Shah, A. D., Wang, S., Duong, M. T., Shieh, A. C. Three-dimensional Cell Culture Model for Measuring the Effects of Interstitial Fluid Flow on Tumor Cell Invasion. J. Vis. Exp. (65), e4159, doi:10.3791/4159 (2012).

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