
Multiplexed Fluorescent Immunohistochemical Staining of Four Endometrial Immune Cell Types in Recurrent Miscarriage

Published: August 04, 2021


Despite the advancements in multiplex immunohistochemistry and multispectral imaging, characterizing the density and clustering of major immune cells simultaneously in the endometrium remains a challenge. This paper describes a detailed multiplex staining protocol and imaging for the simultaneous localization of four immune cell types in the endometrium.


Immunohistochemistry is the most commonly used method for the identification and visualization of tissue antigens in biological research and clinical diagnostics. It can be used to characterize various biological processes or pathologies, such as wound-healing, immune response, tissue rejection, and tissue-biomaterial interactions. However, the visualization and quantification of multiple antigens (especially for immune cells) in a single tissue section using conventional immunohistochemical (IHC) staining remains unsatisfactory. Hence, multiplexed technologies were introduced in recent years to identify multiple biological markers in a single tissue sample or an ensemble of different tissue samples.

These technologies can be especially useful in differentiating the changes in immune cell-to-cell interactions within the endometrium between fertile women and women with recurrent miscarriages during implantation. This paper describes a detailed protocol for multiplexed fluorescence IHC staining to investigate the density and clustering of four major immune cell types simultaneously in precisely timed endometrial specimens during embryo implantation. The method includes sample preparation, multiplex optimization with markers for immune cell subtypes, and the scanning of the slides, followed by data analysis, with specific reference to detecting endometrial immune cells.

Using this method, the density and clustering of four major immune cell types in the endometrium can be simultaneously analyzed in a single tissue section. In addition, this paper will discuss the critical factors and troubleshooting to overcome possible fluorophore interference between the fluorescent probes being applied. Importantly, the results from this multiplex staining technique can help provide an in-depth understanding of the immunologic interaction and regulation during embryo implantation.


Recurrent miscarriage (RM) can be defined as the loss of two or more pregnancies before 24 weeks of gestation1. This frequent reproductive condition affects up to 1% of couples worldwide2,3. The pathophysiology is multifactorial and can be divided into embryologically driven causes (mainly due to an abnormal embryonic karyotype) and maternally driven causes that affect the endometrium and/or placental development. This manifestation can result from parental genetic abnormalities, uterine anomalies, prothrombotic conditions, endocrinology factors, and immunological disorders4.

In recent years, immune effector cell dysfunction has been implicated in the pathogenesis of early pregnancy loss5. This has inspired many investigations into elucidating the specific populations of immune cells in the endometrium during the menstrual cycle, implantation, and early pregnancy, with specific roles in early pregnancy. Among these immune cells, uterine natural killer (uNK) cells play a critical role during embryo implantation and pregnancy, particularly in the processes of trophoblastic invasion and angiogenesis6. Studies have shown an increased uNK cell density in the endometrium of women with RM7,8, although this finding was not associated with an increased risk of miscarriage9. However, this stimulated research evaluating the density of other immune cell types (such as macrophages, uterine dendritic cells) in the endometrium in women with RM10, 11. Nevertheless, it remains uncertain whether there is a significant alteration in the immune cell density in the peri-implantation endometrium in women with RM.

One possible explanation for the uncertainty is that evaluation of the endometrial immune cell density might be difficult due to the rapid changes in the endometrium during the window of implantation. During the 24 h timeframe, significant changes in the endometrium alter immune cell density and cytokine secretion, introducing a source of variation in these results12. In addition, most reports mainly rely on the use of single-cell staining (e.g., traditional IHC methods) that could not examine multiple markers on the same tissue section. Although flow cytometry can be used for detecting multiple cell populations in a single sample, the large amounts of cells required and the time-consuming optimization hinder the popularity and efficiency of this method. Hence, the recent advancement in multiplex IHC staining could solve this problem by immunostaining multiple markers on the same slide to evaluate multiple parameters, including cell lineage and histological localization of individual immune subpopulations. Further, this technology can maximize the information obtained in case of limited tissue availability. Ultimately, this technique can help elucidate the differences in immune cell interactions in the endometrium between fertile women and women with RM.

Two groups of women were recruited from the Prince of Wales Hospital, including fertile control women (FC) and women with unexplained recurrent miscarriage (RM). Fertile control was defined as women who had at least one live birth without any history of spontaneous miscarriage, and RM women were defined as those who had a history of ≥2 consecutive miscarriages before 20 weeks gestation. The subjects from the two groups met the following inclusion criteria: (a) age between 20 to 42 years old, (b) non-smoker, (c) regular menstrual cycle (25-35 days) and normal uterine structure, (d) no use of any hormonal regimen for at least 3 months before the endometrial biopsy, (e) no hydrosalpinx by hystero-salpingogram. In addition, all the subjects recruited had normal karyotyping, normal 3-dimensional ultrasonography hysterosalpingogram, day 2 follicle-stimulating hormone < 10 IU/L, mid-luteal progesterone > 30 nmol/L, normal thyroid function, and tested negative for lupus anticoagulant and anticardiolipin IgG and IgM antibodies.

To better understand the immunological basis of RM, it would be most desirable to simultaneously quantify and localize the major immune cell types present in the endometrium at the time of implantation. This paper describes the entire protocol from sample preparation, the multiplex optimization with markers for immune cell subtypes, and the scanning of the slides, followed by data analysis with specific reference to detecting endometrial immune cells. Moreover, this paper describes how to determine the density and clustering of the immune cell types simultaneously in the endometrium.


The study was approved by the Joint Chinese University of Hong Kong-New Territories East Cluster Clinical Research Ethics Committee. Informed consent was obtained from the participants before collecting the endometrial biopsies. Refer to the introduction section for inclusion criteria of the control and RM groups. 1. Sample preparation Ensure that all the women in this study undergo a daily urine dipstick test from day 9 of the menstrual cycle onwards to identify the luteinizing ho…

Representative Results

The overall schematic process of performing a 4-color multiplex assay for the detection of 4 endometrial immune cell types is shown in Figure 1. In brief, the protocol for this multiplex immunofluorescence staining required 8 key steps: 1. Slide preparation, 2. Epitope retrieval, 3. Blocking, 4. Primary antibody application, 5. Secondary antibody application, 6. Signal amplification, 7. Removal of antibody, and 8. Counterstain and mount. Image rendering and analysis were then conducted using…


Critical steps within the protocol
It is important to note that multiplex staining requires diligent optimization. Antigen retrieval, using citrate buffer and microwave technology, requires optimization to ensure complete antibody stripping and maintain tissue viability. As TSA reagents covalently bind to sites surrounding the antigen, they can potentially inhibit the binding of a subsequent primary antibody through steric hindrance (also known as the "umbrella effect"). This tends to occur…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This study was supported by Hong Kong Obstetrical and Gynecological Trust Fund in 2018 and Hong Kong Health and Medical Research Fund (06170186, 07180226).


Amplification Diluent Perkin Elmer FP1498 Fluorophore diluent buffer
Antibody diluent Perkin Elmer ARD1001EA Diluting the antibody
CD3 Spring Bioscience M3072 Primary antibody
CD20 Biocare Medical CM004B Primary antibody
CD56 Leica NCL-CD56-504 Primary antibody
CD68 Spring Bioscience M5510 Primary antibody
Citrate Buffer Solution, pH 6.0 (10x) Abcam AB64214 Antigen retrieval solution
EMSURE Xylene (isomeric mixture) Merck 108297 Dewaxing
Ethanol absolute Merck 107017 Ethyl alcohol for rehydration
HistoCore BIOCUT Manual Rotary Leica Microtome Leica RM2125RTS Sectioning of paraffin-embedded tissue
inForm Advanced Image Analysis Software Perkin Elmer inForm® Tissue Finder Software 2.2.1 (version 14.0) Data Analysis software
Mantra® Workstation Akoya Biosciences CLS140089 Spectral imaging
Microwave Panasonic Inverter Microwave stripping
Opal 520 Perkin Elmer FP1487A Appropriate tyramide based fluorescent reagent
Opal 620 Perkin Elmer FP1495A Appropriate tyramide based fluorescent reagent
Opal 650 Perkin Elmer FP1496A Appropriate tyramide based fluorescent reagent
Opal 690 Perkin Elmer FP1497A Appropriate tyramide based fluorescent reagent
Oven Memmert U10 Dewaxing
Peroxidase Blocking Solution DAKO S2023 Removal of tissue peroxidase activities
Poly-L-lysine coated slide FISHER SCIENTIFIC 120-550-15 Slide for routine histological use
PolyHRP Broad Spectrum Perkin Elmer ARH1001EA Secondary antibody
ProLong™ Gold Antifade Mountant ThemoFisher Scientific P36930 Mounting
Spatstat / Version 2.1-0 Spatial point pattern analysis
Spectral DAPI Perkin Elmer FP1490A Nucleic acid staining
Tissue Processor Thermo Fischer Excelsior ES Tissue processing for dehydration and paraffination
Tris Buffer Saline (TBS), 10x Cell Signaling Technology 12498S Washing solution
Tween 20 Sigma-Aldrich P1370-1L Nonionic detergent


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Cite This Article
Zhao, Y., Man, G. C. W., Chan, L. K. Y., Guo, X., Liu, Y., Zhang, T., Kwong, J., Wang, C. C., Chen, X., Li, T. C. Multiplexed Fluorescent Immunohistochemical Staining of Four Endometrial Immune Cell Types in Recurrent Miscarriage. J. Vis. Exp. (174), e62931, doi:10.3791/62931 (2021).

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