
Ear Plaster Therapy as a Safe and Effective Treatment for Gestational Vomiting

Published: August 04, 2023


The presented protocol describes a traditional Chinese medicine treatment procedure known for its safety and effectiveness in managing gestational vomiting.


Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (NVP) are common symptoms that often complicate early pregnancy for many women. While clinical treatments such as fasting, fluid infusion, and nutritional support are conventionally applied to manage NVP, their effectiveness varies. However, traditional ear plaster therapy offers a promising alternative that effectively relieves symptoms and poses no known risk to the development of embryos or fetuses. This therapy is known for its ease of application, cost-effectiveness, and favorable outcomes. Previous studies have demonstrated the efficacy of combining ear plaster therapy with conventional treatments in alleviating symptoms of nausea and vomiting in pregnant women, surpassing the results achieved with conventional treatment alone. The protocol presented herein describes a method to relieve NVP using round, smooth, and hard cowherb seeds applied to specific ear points. These seeds are gently rubbed onto the surface of the ear, utilizing the principles of acupressure. By stimulating the designated ear points, this procedure aims to regulate the body’s energy flow and restore balance, thereby reducing the severity and frequency of NVP. The application of cowherb seeds on specific ear points is a straightforward technique that healthcare professionals can easily implement or self-administered by pregnant women under appropriate guidance. Overall, ear plaster therapy presents a safe, effective, and economical approach for managing gestational vomiting, offering women a potential solution to alleviate their discomfort during pregnancy.


Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy (NVP) are common, affecting approximately 50%-80% of pregnant women to varying degrees1. When NVP progresses to moderate or severe levels, it increases the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes for both the mother and the fetus. Therefore, early intervention for NVP may be beneficial in preventing the development of hyperemesis gravidarum2. The exact cause of NVP is not well understood in modern biomedicine, but it is believed to be associated with factors such as changes in the serum level of human chorionic gonadotropin during pregnancy and deficiencies of certain vitamins3. Current treatments for NVP include fasting, fluid infusion, and correction of electrolyte imbalances, but none of these approaches are considered reliable4. Consequently, finding an effective treatment that does not impact the development of the embryo or fetus is a significant clinical challenge.

Ear plaster therapy is a traditional Chinese medicine treatment method that involves the use of small, rounded objects, typically the seeds of cowherb, to stimulate specific points on the ear for disease prevention and treatment5. The dried and mature seeds of Vaccaria hispanica, also known as cowherb, are used in this therapy as they are believed to regulate blood and channels, enhance blood circulation, and promote lactation. The auricle (outer part of the ear) is rich in nerves, containing numerous acupuncture and sensitive points6. By stimulating these points, the soft tissues of the ear may produce localized aseptic inflammation, which in turn may regulate the neuroendocrine system, including the pituitary-adrenal cortex and sympathetic-adrenal cortical glands. Additionally, this therapy can potentially invigorate the body’s non-specific immune response, leading to therapeutic effects7. Ear plaster therapy effectively treats NVP by targeting specific points on the ear that primarily regulate autonomic dysfunction, reduce gastrointestinal responses, and alleviate the sensation of vomiting. It can also increase the level of Motilin, a hormone that promotes intestinal motility8, and restore the appetite of pregnant women. Moreover, some previous studies suggest that ear plaster therapy may have a favorable impact on NVP-related mood disturbances9, as it exhibits similar actions to sedatives in relieving anxiety.

Ear plaster therapy is a simple and easily administered treatment method. It can be used in conjunction with conventional treatments to alleviate the symptoms of NVP while minimizing the potential risks associated with medication use for both the mother and the fetus. This protocol provides detailed instructions on how to perform this therapy and what to consider during the process. We hope ear plaster therapy will receive increased attention and be promoted and utilized in clinical practice.


All procedures of this study were conducted by clinical trial registration and were approved by the ethical institution of the Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Filing No. 2022SL-015). All patients in this study were fully provided with informed consent and consented to the investigators' use of data, images, and related video filming during the trial. Eligible patients were recruited (from January 2023 to April 2023) through leaflets, word communication, and doctors' reco…

Representative Results

All twenty participants in this clinical study successfully completed the trial. Four patients met the discharge criteria and were discharged on day 5, while the remaining 16 patients met the discharge criteria and were discharged within 2 weeks of hospitalization. During the trial, the control group received a controlled diet and intravenous drips, which included the following components: vitamin C 2g + 0.9% sodium chloride injection 500 mL, vitamin B6 0.2 g + 0.9% sodium chloride injection 5…


Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (NVP) is a common condition that can pose risks to the health of pregnant women, even leading to complications despite terminating pregnancies. Clinical drugs often used for antiemetic/antinauseant effects, such as ondansetron and promethazine, carry potential risks for pregnant women, including dystonia, sedation, and lowered seizure thresholds22. Consequently, pharmacological treatments come with their own set of dangers. On the other hand, the symptom-centered t…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This study was funded by a grant from the Department of Gynecology, Hospital of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.


Alcohol cotton ball Yangzhou Longhu Medical Instrument Co., Ltd 20172142183
Cowherb seeds Anhui Kangyunnuo Biotechnology Co., Ltd SC10334161107893
Disposable tweezers Yangzhou Guilong Medical Instrument Co., Ltd 20182010440
Glucose Injection Jichuan Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd H32024826
Omnifilm Paul Hartmann AG 20210605
Potassium Aspartate and Magnesium Aspartate Injection Hangzhou Minsheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd H33020038
Potassium Chloride Injection Shandong Qidu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd H20153283
Scissor BERNAL DENTAS 20190961
Sodium Chloride Injection Chenxin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd H20056758
Swab Bicon,LLC 20151479
Vitamin B1 Injection Chengdu Beite Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd H32021525
Vitamin B6 Tablets Gansu Chengji Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd H62020314
Vitamin C Tablets Xinxiang Changle Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd H41021516


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Shao, S., Zheng, W., Wen, Y. Ear Plaster Therapy as a Safe and Effective Treatment for Gestational Vomiting. J. Vis. Exp. (198), e65549, doi:10.3791/65549 (2023).

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