

Published: June 11, 2016


This protocol provides step-by-step instruction on how to generate parabiotic zebrafish embryos of different genetic backgrounds. When combined with the unparalleled imaging capabilities of the zebrafish embryo, this method provides a uniquely powerful means to investigate cell-autonomous versus non-cell-autonomous functions for candidate genes of interest.




野生型和转基因动物的遗传马赛克(嵌合体)的创建是调查细胞内在与候选基因1-6的细胞外功能的完善和经典的策略。在斑马鱼囊胚移植已被广泛使用,以产生用于细胞自治7-9的研究嵌合胚胎。取决于感兴趣的组织,但是,它可以是具有挑战性的供体细胞可预测定位到期望的组织( 例如,血液)1-3,7-9。鼠标遗传学家早就采用连体手术的方法来产生连体生物与共享循环10-14。由于联体动物都有一个共同的血液,即来自一种动物具有不同遗传背景的其他动物的细胞的细胞之间的相互作用,可以研究10-16。近日,Karima Kissa小组优雅证明CRE的能力连体吃斑马鱼胚胎,然后用这个系统来研究造血干祖细胞(HSPC)的迁移15。此外,斑马鱼联体最近用于研究内皮钙5的造血干细胞(HSC)的出现和迁移,16的作用和斑马鱼发育17中,研究中的HSPC利基基质细胞的作用。

不像小鼠,斑马鱼的胚胎是透明的,允许联体发育过程中的细胞的直接可视化,使得系统唯一地强大。斑马鱼中的联体的效用,然而,由一个陡峭的学习曲线,并在胚胎细腻手术连体限制可以没有详细的说明和视觉示范技术上的挑战。该协议的目标是提供一套明确的,一步一步的指示陪如何产生连体斑马鱼胚胎为研究基于视频的教程颞,细胞 – 本征的,或者一个候选基因(s)的显影囊胚的手术融合的细胞外功能。重要的改进和提高parabiont生存和新的实验性应用程序的其他建议包括在内。


该协议被批准波士顿儿童医院的动物护理和使用委员会。这个协议是从以 ​​前出版的方法15进行修改。 1.试剂的制备(提前几天或几周) 准备1.5%琼脂糖涂层的菜肴。 添加1.5克琼脂糖至100ml斑马鱼的E3介质中的Erlenmeyer烧瓶中。热火,琼脂糖溶解,再倒入约5mL成直径100毫米×20毫米深的培养皿中。 注意:这些都是用于胚胎dechorionation(步骤3.1),?…

Representative Results

与先前发表的研究15一致,斑马鱼胚胎的成功联体融合取决于两个胚胎的分期和取向和甲基纤维素的浓度。只需几个简单的,廉价的工具,产生了手术融合发展囊胚,增长到连体胚胎共享的循环。这些工具包括一个修改巴斯德吸管,10毫升吸管泵,以及其中使用单独的或与一种凝胶装载尖端或玻璃微注射针通过实验室膜固定到端( 图1)木材处理取笑针…


联体融合已调查在成年鼠模型和鸡胚10-14候选基因的细胞功能的有力工具。最近,囊胚融合方法已用于产生连体斑马鱼胚胎15所述。在本协议中,基于视频的教程用于演示和更好地描述的方法为,以研究在造血发育感兴趣的候选基因的时空,细胞 – 本征的,和细胞外的角色创建不同遗传背景的连体斑马鱼的胚胎超越。



The authors have nothing to disclose.


We thank Julie R. Perlin for helpful comments on the manuscript. D.I.S. is supported by grants from the American Society of Hematology, the Cooley’s Anemia Foundation, and the NIH (K01DK085217 and R03DK100672). E.J.H. is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Fellow of the Helen Hay Whitney Foundation. B.L. is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Medical Research Fellow. B.W.B. is supported by an Irvington Fellowship from the Cancer Research Institute and a Young Investigator Award from the Conquer Cancer Foundation of ASCO. L.I.Z. is supported by grants from the NIH (R01CA103846, P01HL032262, and R01HL04880), Taub Foundation for MDS Research, Harvard Stem Cell Institute, and is an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.


Methyl cellulose Sigma M0387
Individual components for E3/HCR: For 1L: 14,61g NaCl, 0,63g KCl, 2,43g CaCl2-2H2O, 1,99g MgSO4
NaCl (Sodium chloride) Sigma-Aldrich S9888
KCl (Potassium chloride) Sigma-Aldrich P9541
CaCl2 (Calcium chloride dihydrate) Sigma-Aldrich 223506
MgSO4 (Magnessium sulfate heptahydrate) Sigma-Aldrich 230391
Hepes (1M ) buffer solution ThermoFisher 15630-080
Name Company Catalog Number
Pen/Strep gibco by Life technologies 15140-120
Ampicilin sodium salt Sigma Life Science A0166
Kanamycin sulfate from Streptomyces kanamyceticus Sigma Life Science K1377
Name of Reagent/ Equipment Company Catalog Number
50 mg/ml Pronase from Streptomyces griseus Roche 11459643001
capillary glass used for needles (Capillary Glass & Filaments) Sutter Instrument ITEM#: BF 100-50-10
Teasing needles with wooden handles Fisher Scientific S07894
Glass Pasteur pipettes Fisherbrand 13-678-20A
10 mL pipette pump (green) (Pipette Pump Pipettor) Novatech International F37898-0000
100 mm diameter/ 20 mm deep plastic petri dishes (PETRI DISH, 100/20 MM, PS, CLEAR, WITH VENTS,
Greiner Bio-one 664102
Dextran, Cascade Blue, 10,000 MW, Anionic, Lysine Fixable ThermoFisher D-1976
PTU. working stock is 0.003% (50X is 0.15%). for 500ml, 0.75 g N-Phenylthiourea Sigma-Aldrich P7629
Tricaine (powder) (Tricaine Methanesulfonato, Tricaine-S) Western Chemical Inc MS 222
LMP agarose (Ultrapure LMP agarose) Invitrogen 16520100
plastic transfer pipette (just the wide ended one I think) Fisherbrand 137115AM
Glass-bottom 6-well plates used for imaging MatTek P06G1.5-20-F
plastic western gel loading tip fixed on the end of a wood-handled dissecting needle (GELoader tips) Eppendorf 22351656
glass cover slips, slides and vacuum grease if mounting for an upright microscope:
Vaccum grease ( Dow Corning® high-vacuum silicone grease
colorless, weight 5.3 oz (tube) )
Dow Corning Z273554
Glass cover slips Corning Life Sciences 2960-244


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