

Published: November 12, 2020




干细胞教育者(SCE)疗法是治疗1型糖尿病和其他自身免疫性疾病的一种新型临床方法。SCE 治疗通过密码机循环分离患者的血液单核细胞(如淋巴细胞和单核细胞),在 SCE 设备中用粘附脐带血源干细胞 (CB-SC) 共同培养患者的血液单核细胞,然后将这些”受过教育的”免疫细胞返回到患者的血液中。外显子是纳米大小的细胞外囊泡,在30\u2012150 nm之间,存在所有生物流体和细胞培养基。为了进一步探索SCE治疗的分子机制,并确定从CB-SC释放的外体的行为,我们调查哪些细胞在用CB-SC治疗期间对这些外体进行噬菌体。通过与人类外周血单核细胞(PBMC)共同培养具有Dio标签的CB-SC衍生外体,我们发现CB-SC衍生的外显体主要由人类CD14阳性单细胞组成,导致单细胞分化为2型巨噬细胞(M2),具有主轴样形和M2相关表面分子标记的表达。在这里,我们提出了一个协议,用于分离和表征CB-SC衍生外体,以及CB-SC衍生外体与人类单核细胞共同培养和M2分化监测的协议。



外显体是一个纳米粒子系列,直径范围为30\u2012150 nm,存在于所有生物流体和细胞培养介质6中。外显子富含许多生物活性分子,包括脂质、mRNA、蛋白质和微RNA(miRNA),并在细胞到细胞之间的通信中发挥重要作用。最近,外显体已经变得更加有吸引力的研究人员和制药公司,因为他们的治疗潜力在诊所7,8,9。最近,我们的机械研究表明,CB-SC释放的外体有助于SCE治疗10的免疫调节。



该协议遵循发现和创新中心机构人类研究伦理委员会的指导方针,哈肯萨克子午线健康。从纽约血液中心(纽约,纽约)购买了人类布衣血单位。人体脐带血单位是从健康的献血者那里收集的,从 Cryo-Cell 国际血库(佛罗里达州的奥德斯马尔)购买。纽约血液中心和 Cryo-Cell 都获得了所有血液收集和分配的认证,并获得 IRB 的批准,并签署了捐赠者的同意书。 1. 细胞培养和制备C…

Representative Results

最初,CB-SC的表型和纯度通过流式细胞学与CB-SC相关标记物(如白细胞常见抗原CD45、ES细胞特异性转录因子OCT3/4和SOX2)进行检验。CB-SC 显示高级别的 CD45、OCT3/4、SOX2、CD270 和 galectin 9 表达式,但没有 CD34 的表达式(图 1A)。流细胞学分析证实,包括CD9、CD81和CD63在内的外体特异性标记的表达在CB-SC衍生外体(图1B)上。外体形态和大小分布的特点是TEM和DL…





The authors have nothing to disclose.




1.5 ml Microcentrifuge tube Fisher Scientific 05-408-129
15 ml conical tube Falcon 352196
24-well plate Falcon 351147 Non-tissue culture
3,3'-Diostadecyloxacarbocyanine perchlorate(Dio) Millipore sigma D4292-20MG Store at 4 °C
300 Mesh Grids Ted Pella 1GC300
50 mL conical tube Falcon 352070
6-well plate Falcon 353046 Tissue culture plate
96-well plate Falcon 353072 Tissue culture plate
ACK Lysis Buffer Lonza 10-548E 100 ml
Amicon-15 10kDa Centrifuge Fliter Unit Millipore sigma UFC901024
Anti-Human Alix Biolegend 634501 store at 4 °C, RRID: AB_2268110
Anti-Human Calnexin Biolegend 699401 store at 4 °C, RRID: AB_2728519
Anti-Human CD11c antibody, Pe-Cy7 BD Bioscience 561356 store at 4 °C, RRID: AB_10611859
Anti-Human CD14 antibody, Karma Orange Beckman Coulter B36294 store at 4 °C, RRID: AB_2728099
Anti-Human CD163 antibody, PE BD Bioscience 556018 store at 4 °C, RRID: AB_396296
Anti-Human CD19 antibody, PC5 Beckman Coulter IM2643U store at 4 °C, RRID: AB_131160
Anti-Human CD206 antibody, FITC BD Bioscience 551135 store at 4 °C, RRID: AB_394065
Anti-Human CD209 antibody, Brilliant Violet 421 BD Bioscience 564127 store at 4 °C, RRID: AB_2738610
Anti-Human CD270 antibody, PE Biolegend 318806 store at 4 °C, RRID: AB_2203703
Anti-Human CD3 antibody, Pacfic Blue Biolegend 300431 store at 4 °C, RRID: AB_1595437
Anti-Human CD34 antibody, APC Beckman Coulter IM2427U store at 4 °C, RRID: N/A
Anti-Human CD4 antibody, APC BD Bioscience 555349 store at 4 °C, RRID: AB_398593
Anti-Human CD45 antibody, Pe-Cy7 Beckman Coulter IM3548U store at 4 °C, RRID: AB_1575969
Anti-Human CD56 antibody, PE Beckman Coulter IM2073U store at 4 °C, RRID: AB_131195
Anti-Human CD63 antibody,PE BD Bioscience 561925 store at 4 °C, RRID: AB_10896821
Anti-Human CD8 antibody, APC-Alexa Fluor 750 Beckman Coulter A94686 store at 4 °C, RRID: N/A
Anti-Human CD80 antibody, APC Beckman Coulter B30642 store at 4 °C, RRID: N/A
Anti-Human CD81 antibody, FITC BD Bioscience 561956 store at 4 °C, RRID: AB_394049
Anti-Human CD86 antibody, APC-Alexa Fluor 750 Beckman Coulter B30646 store at 4 °C, RRID: N/A
Anti-Human CD9 antibody, FITC ThermoScientic MA5-16860 store at 4 °C, RRID: AB_2538339
Anti-Human Galectin 9 antibody, Brilliant Violet 421 Biolegend 348919 store at 4 °C, RRID: AB_2716134
Anti-Human OCT3/4 antibody, eFluor660 ThermoScientic 50-5841-82 store at 4 °C, RRID: AB_11218882
Anti-Human SOX2 antibody, Alexa Fluor 488 ThermoScientic 53-9811-82 store at 4 °C, RRID: AB_2574479
BCA Protein Assay Kit ThermoFisher Scientific 23227
Bovine Serum Albumin Millipore Sigma A1933
Buffy coat New York Blood Center 40-60 ml/unit
Cell scraper Falcon 353085
Disposable semi-micro cuvette VWR 97000590
Dissociation buffer Gibco 131510014 100 ml
Dual-Chanber cell counting slides Bio-Rad 1450015
Exosome-Human CD63 Detection reagent ThermoFisher Scientific 10606D store at 4 °C
Ficoll-Paque PLUS density grandient media GE Health 17-1440-03 500 ml
Fixed-Angle Rotor(25°) Thermo Scientifc 75003698 Maxium 24,700 x g
Gallios flow cytometer Beckman Coulter 3 lasers
10 Color Max
Human cord blood Cryo-Cell International 40-100 ml/unit
Human Fc Block BD Bioscience 564220 store at 4 °C
Immun-Blot PVDF membrane Bio-Rad 1620177
Millex-GP Syringe Filter Unit, 0.22 µm Millipore Sigma SLGP033RS
Optima XE-90 Ultracentriguge Beckman Coulter
Orbital Shaker MP4 BioExpress S-3500-1
PBS ThermoFisher Scientific 10010049 500 ml
Propidium Iodide BD Bioscience 56-66211E store at 4 °C
Nikon Eclipse Ti2 microscope Nikon instruments Inc Eclipse Ti2 NIS-Elements software version 5.11.02
Hochest 33342 Thermo Scientifc 62249 5 ml
Revert microsopy Fisher scientific 12563518
Rotor 41 Ti Beckman Coulter 331362 Maxium 41,000 rpm
Sorvall St 16R Centrifuge Thermo Scientifc 75004381
Swinging Bucket Rotor Thermo Scientifc 75003655
TC-20 cell counter Bio-Rad
ThermoScientific Forma 380 Steri Cycle CO2 Incubator ThermoFisher Scientific
Transmission electron microscopy JEOL JEM-2100 PLUS
Ultracentrifuge tube Beckman Coulter 331372
X'VIVO 15 Serum-free medium Lonza BEBP04-744Q 1000 ml Culture medium, store at 4 °C


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Hu, W., Song, X., Yu, H., Sun, J., Zhao, Y. Differentiation of Monocytes into Phenotypically Distinct Macrophages After Treatment with Human Cord Blood Stem Cell (CB-SC)-Derived Exosomes. J. Vis. Exp. (165), e61562, doi:10.3791/61562 (2020).

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