

Published: May 16, 2022








组织工程由三个基本组成部分组成:支架、细胞和生物信号分子。关于周围神经损伤的研究在完全提供这三种结构方面存在不足。在研究中生产和使用的生物材料中遇到了各种问题,例如它们仅包含干细胞或生物信号分子,缺乏能够分化的生物活性分子,所用生物材料缺乏生物相容性,以及对组织生态位中细胞增殖的影响低, 因此,神经传导未完全实现213141516这需要优化神经再生,减少肌肉萎缩17,18并创造必要的归巢19与生长因子对抗这些问题。在这一点上,要转移到临床的手术生物材料原型的神经活性的表征和分析非常重要。



1. 沃顿商学院果冻间充质干细胞的培养 将沃顿商学院的果冻间充质干细胞(WJ-MSCs,来自ATCC)从-80°C冰箱中取出。如Yurie等人20中所述,在含有10%胎牛血清(FBS),1%Pen-Strep和1%L-谷氨酰胺的DMEM-F12培养基中培养WJ-MSC,在室温下无菌层流中。 用含有 35% FBS、55% DMEMF-12 和 10% 二甲基亚砜 (DMSO) 的冷冻培养基以 1 x 106 个细胞 /mL 冷冻保存一些细胞。?…

Representative Results

石墨烯毒性和2D成像在统计分析软件中,使用Tukey检验的单因素方差分析对获得的MTT结果进行统计分析,得到的图形如图 2所示。与对照相比,石墨烯百分比仅在0.001%石墨烯浓度(**p 0.05)。因此,最佳石墨烯浓度被确定为0.1%,因为根据MTT测试结果和拼接图像,暴露于该浓度后观察到最高的活性率?…




The authors have nothing to disclose.


本研究中使用的石墨烯是在Kirklareli大学机械工程系开发的。它是由卡拉贝约奥卢博士捐赠的。石墨烯毒性测试由名为“使用石墨烯掺杂生物墨水在3D生物打印机上打印和分化间充质干细胞”的项目资助(申请号:1139B411802273),该项目在TÜBİTAK 2209-B-面向行业的本科论文支持计划范围内完成。该研究的另一部分得到了Yildiz技术大学科学研究项目(TSA-2021-4713)提供的研究基金的支持。用于延时成像阶段的具有GFP的间充质干细胞由Virostem Biotechnology捐赠。作者感谢Darıcı LAB和YTU细胞培养和组织工程实验室团队富有成效的讨论。


Hitachi Used in cell culture and biomaterial step
0.1N CaCl2 HD Bioink Used for crosslinker
0.22 µm membrane filter Aιsιmo Used for sterilization
0.45 µm syringe filter Aιsιmo Used for sterilization
1.5mL conic tube Eppendorfa Used for bioink drop
15mL Falcon tube Nest Used in cell culture step
25 cm2 cell culture flasks (Falcon, TPP tissue culture flasks Nest Used for cell culture
3D Bioprinting Axolotl Biosystems Bio A2 (Turkey) Bioprinting Step
50 mL Falcon tube Nest Used in cell culture step
6/24/48/96 well plates (Falcon, TPP microplates) Merck Millipore Used in cell culture step
75 cm2 cell culture flasks (Falcon, TPP tissue culture flasks Nest Used for cell culture
Anti mouse IgG-FTIC-rabbit Santa Cruz Biotechnology J1514 Seconder antibody, used for dye
Anti mouse IgG-SC2781-goat Santa Cruz Biotechnology C3109 Seconder antibody, used for dye
Au coating device EM ACE600 Leica for gold plating of biomaterial section before SEM imaging
Autoclave NUVE-OT 90L Used for the sterilization process.
Autoclave NUVE-OT 90L Used for the sterilization process.
Cell Cultre Cabine Hera Safe KS Used for the cell culture process
Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium/Nutrient Mixture-F12 Sigma RNBJ7249 Used as cell culture medium
Fetal Bovine Serum-FBS Capricorn FBS-16A It was used by adding to the cell culture medium.
Freezer -80°C Panasonic MDF-U5386S-PE We were used to store cells and the resulting exosomes
Gelatine-Alginate bioink powder HD Bioink Used for produced bioink step
GFP labelled-WJ-MSCs Virostem Used for imaging to cell-bioink interaction
Graphene nanoplatelets (Graphene-IGP2) Grafen Chemical Industries Co. Used for production 3D-G bioink
Immunofluorescence antibodies (N-CAD; β-III Tubulin) Cell Signalling and Santa Cruz Used for dye
JASCO 6600 Tetra for FTIR
MTT Assay Sigma Viability testing
Penicilin/Streptomycin Solution Capricorn PB-S It was added to the medium to prevent contamination in cell culture.
Thoma slide Isolab Used for counting the cell
Time-Lapse Imaging System Zeiss Axio.Observer.Z1 Imaging
Tripsin-EDTA Multicell The flask was used to remove the cells covering the surface.
Vorteks Biobase For produced bioink step
WJ-MSCs ATCC Used for the cell culture process


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Citer Cet Article
Zorba Yildiz, A. P., Darici, H., Yavuz, B., Abamor, E. S., Ozdemir, C., Yasin, M. E., Bagirova, M., Allahverdiyev, A., Karaoz, E. Preparation and Characterization of Graphene-Based 3D Biohybrid Hydrogel Bioink for Peripheral Neuroengineering. J. Vis. Exp. (183), e63622, doi:10.3791/63622 (2022).

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