
Lentiviral CRISPR/Cas9介导基因组编辑,用于疾病模型中造血细胞的研究

Published: October 03, 2019








在这里,利用慢病毒系统来转化细胞,因为该系统能够有效感染Cas9表达的小鼠造血干细胞,并将指导RNA表达结构、启动子、调控序列和编码基因打包在一起荧光报告蛋白(即GFP、RFP)。利用这种方法,小鼠造血干细胞的体外基因编辑已经实现,随后在致命辐照小鼠中成功重组骨髓10。本研究使用的慢病毒载体表达来自共同核心EF1a启动子的Cas9和GFP报告基因,其内部核糖体进入位点从报告基因上游。导引RNA序列由单独的U6启动子表达。该系统然后用于在候选克隆血泊驱动基因Tet2和Dnmt3a10中创建插入和删除突变。然而,该方法的转导效率相对较低(±5%-10%)由于载体插入(13 Kbp)的尺寸大,限制了转导效率,并减少了生产过程中的病毒性粒度。

在其他研究中,已经表明,更大的病毒RNA大小对病毒的产生和转导效率都有负面影响。例如,据报道,插入尺寸增加1 kb可使病毒产生量减少±50%,小鼠造血干细胞11的转导效率将降至50%以上。因此,尽可能减小病毒插入的大小,以提高系统的效率是有利的。




弗吉尼亚大学机构动物护理和使用委员会(IACUC)已批准所有涉及动物受试者的程序。 1. 慢病毒颗粒的生成和纯化 注: 含有优化导引RNA的Lenti病毒颗粒可以通过Addgene提供的详细协议产生:。关于高蒂特扁豆病毒制备和储存的优化方法,讨论在其他地方17,18。<sup class=…

Representative Results

使用上述协议,每只小鼠获得大约0.8-1.0 x 108个骨髓细胞。我们获得的系系阴性细胞数量约为每只鼠标3 x 106个细胞。通常,骨髓系阴性细胞的产量是骨髓核细胞总数的4%-5%。 转导细胞(RFP阳性)的奇血性通过外周血的流式细胞测定(图2A,B)。血液从逆轨静脉中分离出来,并?…






The authors have nothing to disclose.


S.S.得到了美国心脏协会博士后奖学金17POST33670076的支持。K. W. 得到 NIH 授予 R01 HL138014、R01 HL141256 和 R01 HL139819 的支持。


1/2 cc LO-DOSE INSULIN SYRINGE EXELINT 26028 general supply
293T cells ATCC CRL-3216– Cell line
APC-anti-mouse Ly6C (Clone AL-21) BD Biosciences 560599 Antibodies
APC-Cy7-anti-mouse CD45R (RA3-6B2) BD Biosciences 552094 Antibodies
BD Luer-Lok disposable syringes, 10 ml BD 309604 general supply
BD Microtainer blood collection tubes, K2EDTA added BD Bioscience 365974 general supply
BD Precisionglide needle, 18 G BD 305195 general supply
BD Precisionglide needle, 22 G  BD 305155 general supply
BV510-anti-mouse CD8a (Clone 53-6.7) Biolegend 100752 Antibodies
BV711-anti-mouse CD3e (Clone 145-2C11) Biolegend 100349 Antibodies
Collagen from calf skin Sigma-Aldrich 9007-34-5 general supply
Corning Costar Ultra-Low Attachment Multiple Well Plate, 6 well  Millipore Sigma CLS3471 general supply
CRISPR/Cas9 knock-in mice The Jackson Laboratory 028555 mouse
DietGel 76A Clear H2O 70-01-5022 general supply
Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium (DMEM) – high glucose Sigma Aldrich D6429 Medium
eBioscience 1X RBC Lysis Buffer Thermo fisher Scientific 00-4333-57 Solution
Falcon 100 mm TC-Treated Cell Culture Dish Life Sciences 353003 general supply
Falcon 5 mL round bottom polystyrene test tube Life Sciences 352054 general supply
Falcon 50 mL Conical Centrifuge Tubes Fisher Scientific 352098 general supply
Falcon 6 Well Clear Flat Bottom TC-Treated Multiwell Cell Culture Plate  Life Science 353046 general supply
Fisherbrand microhematocrit capillary tubes Thermo Fisher Scientific 22-362566 general supply
Fisherbrand sterile cell strainers, 70 μm Fisher Scientific 22363548 general supply
FITC-anti-mouse CD4 (Clone RM4-5) Invitrogen 11-0042-85 Antibodies
Fixation Buffer BD Bioscience 554655 Solution
Guide-it Compete sgRNA Screening Systems Clontech 632636 Kit
Isothesia (Isoflurane) solution Henry Schein 29404 Solution
Lenti-X qRT-PCR Titration Kit  Takara 631235 Kit
Lineage Cell Depletion Kit, mouse Miltenyi Biotec 130-090-858 Kit
Millex-HV Syringe Filter Unit, 0.45 mm Millipore Sigma SLHV004SL general supply
PBS pH7.4 (1X) Gibco 10010023 Solution
PE-Cy7-anti-mouse CD115 (Clone AFS98) eBioscience 25-1152-82 Antibodies
PEI MAX Polysciences 24765-1 Solution
Penicillin-Streptomycin Mixture Lonza 17-602F Solution
PerCP-Cy5.5-anti-mouse Ly6G (Clone 1A8) BD Biosciences 560602 Antibodies
pLKO5.sgRNA.EFS.tRFP  Addgene 57823 Plasmid
pMG2D Addgene 12259 Plasmid
Polybrene Infection/Transfection Reagent Sigma Aldrich TR-1003-G Solution
Polypropylene Centrifuge Tubes BECKMAN COULTER 326823 general supply
psPAX2  Addgene 12260 Plasmid
RadDisk – Rodent Irradiator Disk Braintree Scientific IRD-P M general supply
Recombinant Murine SCF Peprotech 250-03 Solution
Recombinant Murine TPO  Peprotech  315-14 Solution
StemSpan SFEM STEMCELL Technologies 09600 Solution
TOPO TA cloning kit for sequencing with One Shot TOP10 Chemically Competent E.coli Thermo fisher Scientific K457501 Kit
Zombie Aqua Fixable Viability Kit BioLegend 423102 Solution 


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Cite This Article
Sano, S., Wang, Y., Evans, M. A., Yura, Y., Sano, M., Ogawa, H., Horitani, K., Doviak, H., Walsh, K. Lentiviral CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Genome Editing for the Study of Hematopoietic Cells in Disease Models. J. Vis. Exp. (152), e59977, doi:10.3791/59977 (2019).

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