

Published: May 19, 2023










动物实验经浙江中医药大学医学标准伦理委员会批准,符合中国关于实验动物使用和护理的立法。在本研究中,使用体重150-180g的6周龄雄性Sprague-Dawley(SD)大鼠。这些动物是从商业来源获得的(见 材料表)。 1. 大鼠全层软骨缺损模型的建立 适应新环境1周后,将大鼠随机平均分为两组(n = 8只大鼠/组)。假手术组的大鼠将进行假手术,而模?…

Representative Results

本工作通过在股骨滑车槽上钻孔并检测后续疼痛行为和组织病理学变化,建立了FTCD大鼠模型。如图1所示,建模后3天,与假手术组相比,模型组大鼠MWT明显降低,提示FTCD引起的痛觉过敏。建模后17 d,模型组大鼠机械戒断阈值保持在较低水平,表明疼痛致敏性至少可持续17 d。组织病理学染色结果显示,假手术组关节软骨结构清晰,软骨表面完整,软骨细胞分布均匀,II.型胶?…




The authors have nothing to disclose.




3, 3 '-diaminobenzidine   Hangzhou Zhengbo Biotechnology Co., Ltd. ZLI-9019 The dye for IHC staining
Anti-Collagen III antibody Novus NB600-594 Primary antibody for IHC
Anti-Collagen II antibody Abcam (UK) 34712 Primary antibody for IHC
Anti-Collagen I antibody Novus NB600-408 Primary antibody for IHC
Bouin solution Shanghai Yuanye Technology Co., Ltd. R20381 The dye for Masson staining
Celestite blue Shanghai Yuanye Technology Co., Ltd. R20381 The dye for Masson staining
Corncob paddings   Xiaohe Technology Co., Ltd  Bedding for animal 
Eosin Sigma-Aldrich 861006 The dye for HE staining
Fast Green FCF Sigma-Aldrich F7252 The dye for SO staining
Goat anti-mouse antibody ZSGQ-BIO (Beijing, China) PV-9002 Secondary antibody for IHC
Goat anti-rabbit antibody ZSGQ-BIO (Beijing, China) PV-9001 Secondary antibody for IHC
Hematoxylin Sigma-Aldrich H3163 The dye for HE staining
Masson Shanghai Yuanye Technology Co., Ltd. R20381 The dye for Masson staining
Microdrill Rwd Life Science Co., Ltd 78001 Equipment for surgery
MMP13 Cell Signaling Technology, Inc. (Danvers, MA, USA) 69926 Primary antibody for IHC
Modular tissue embedding center Thermo Fisher Scientific (USA) EC 350 Produce paraffin blocks
Neutral resin Hangzhou Zhengbo Biotechnology Co., Ltd. ZLI-9555 Seal for IHC
Nonabsorbable suture Hangzhou Huawei Medical Supplies Co.,Ltd. 4-0 Equipment for surgery
Pentobarbital sodium  Hangzhou Zhengbo Biotechnology Co., Ltd. WBBTN5G Anesthetized animal
phosphomolybdic acid  Shanghai Yuanye Technology Co., Ltd. R20381 The dye for Masson staining
Ponceau fuchsin Shanghai Yuanye Technology Co., Ltd. R20381 The dye for Masson staining
Rotary and Sliding Microtomes Thermo Fisher Scientific (USA) HM325 Precise paraffin sections
Safranin-O Sigma-Aldrich S2255 The dye for SO staining
Scalpel blade Shanghai Lianhui Medical Supplies Co., Ltd. 11 Equipment for surgery
Sodium citrate solution (20x) Hangzhou Haoke Biotechnology Co., Ltd. HK1222 Antigen retrieval for IHC
Sprague Dawley (SD) rats  Shanghai Slake Experimental Animal Co., Ltd. SD Experimental animal
Tissue-Tek VIP 5 Jr Sakura (Japan) Vacuum Infiltration Processor
Toluidine Blue Sigma-Aldrich 89640 The dye for TB staining
Von Frey filament UGO Basile (Italy)  37450-275 Equipment for MWT assay
Wire mesh platform  Shanghai Yuyan Instruments Co.,Ltd. Equipment for MWT assay


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Zhang, H., Bao, R., Xu, J., Ge, Y., Chen, Z., Fan, M., Yu, G., Zhou, L., Guo, L., Shan, L., Bao, H. Development and Evaluation of a Rat Model of Full-Thickness Cartilage Defects. J. Vis. Exp. (195), e64475, doi:10.3791/64475 (2023).

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