

Published: March 01, 2022





本报告描述了一种对斑马鱼进行角膜擦伤的方法。伤口在 体内 使用眼毛刺在麻醉鱼身上进行。这种方法允许可重复的上皮伤口,使眼睛的其余部分完好无损。擦伤后,在3小时的过程中监测伤口闭合,之后伤口再上皮化。通过使用扫描电子显微镜,然后进行图像处理,可以研究上皮细胞的形状和顶端突起,以研究角膜上皮伤口闭合过程中的各个步骤。










所有实验均获得国家动物实验委员会的批准。 1. 准备工作 提前准备用于麻醉的三卡因储备溶液26 (本方案中使用的0.4%储备溶液)。尽可能戴上手套并将材料放在通风橱中。 对于50 mL 0.4%溶液,称取200mg三卡因粉末进入50mL管中。将粉末溶解在约45 mL双蒸馏水中。 用1 M Tris(pH 8.8,〜1.25 mL)将三卡因储备溶液的pH值调节至7。将…

Representative Results





The authors have nothing to disclose.


作者感谢Pertti Panula访问斑马鱼单元,并感谢Henri Koivula对斑马鱼实验的指导和帮助。这项研究得到了芬兰科学院,Jane and Aatos Erkko基金会,芬兰文化基金会和ATIP-Avenir计划的支持。成像在生物技术研究所的电子显微镜部门和光学显微镜部门进行,由HiLIFE和芬兰生物中心支持。


0.1M Na-PO4 (sodium phosphate buffer), pH 7.4 in-house Solution is prepared from 1M sodium phosphate buffer (1M Na2HPO4 adjusted to pH 7.4 with 1M NaH2PO4).
0.2M Na-PO4 (sodium phosphate buffer), pH 7.4 in-house Solution is prepared from 1M sodium phosphate buffer (1M Na2HPO4 adjusted to pH 7.4 with 1M NaH2PO4).
0.5mm burr tips Alger Equipment Company BU-5S
1M Tris, pH 8.8 in-house
adhesive tabs Agar Scientific G3347N
Algerbrush burr, Complete instrument Alger Equipment Company BR2-5
Cotton swaps Heinz Herenz Hamburg 1030128
Dissecting plate in-house
Dissecting tools Fine Science Tools
double-distilled water in-house
Eppedorf tubes, 2ml any provider
Ethyl 3-aminobenzoate methanesulfonate salt Sigma A5040 Caution: causes irritation.
Glutaraldehyde, 50% aqueous solution, grade I Sigma G7651 Caution: toxic.
Lidocaine hydrochloride Sigma L5647 Caution: toxic.
mounts Agar Scientific G301P
Petri dish Thermo Scientific 101VR20
pH indicator strips Macherey-Nagel 92110
Plastic spoons any provider
Plastic tubes, 15 ml Greiner Bio-One 188271
Plastic tubes, 50 ml Greiner Bio-One 227261
Scanning electron microscope FEI Quanta 250 FEG
Soft sponge any provider
Sputter coater Quorum Technologies GQ150TS
Stereomicroscope Leica


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Ikkala, K., Raatikainen, S., Michon, F. Zebrafish Corneal Wound Healing: From Abrasion to Wound Closure Imaging Analysis. J. Vis. Exp. (181), e63605, doi:10.3791/63605 (2022).

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